Adding Volume Rebate Tiers

Rebate tier lets you define sales targets and the corresponding incentives for reaching that targets. You can choose to give rebates based on the percentage of the total invoice amount or by a designated rebate amount multiplied by an item quantity.

The Rebate Tier information is part of the Agreement Details record. If you did not set up the tiers when you created the agreement details, you can still edit the record and continue with the following steps:

To add a volume rebate tier:

  1. Go to Rebate Management > Rebate Agreements> Rebate Agreements.

  2. On the Rebate Agreements List, click Edit beside the rebate agreement that you want to edit.

  3. Go to the Agreement Details subtab then click Edit beside the record which you want to update.

  4. Under the Rebate Tiers section, select or enter the required information:

    1. In the Rebate Scheme field, select the type of calculation.

    2. In the Rebate Value Type field, select if a rebate to be given is a flat rate per unit or a percentage of the transaction price.

    3. Check the Aggregate box if you want to combine multiple item criteria for each customer to qualify for a given tier.

    4. Define your rebate tiers. Enter a positive quantity or value for the Minimum and Maximum fields.

    5. The system automatically assigns the lowest tier as the default tier. You can assign a new default tier by selecting a different tier for linear rebate schemes.

      You can change the default tier any time for an active rebate agreement.

    6. Enter a positive value for the Rebate Value field. This the rebate given after reaching a sales target.

    7. Enter relevant information in the Comments field.

    8. Click Save.

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