Creating Packing Items for Cartons and Pallets
You can create packing items to specify the dimensions a pack carton. If you activate the Enable pallet packing rule, you can also create packing items to specify pallet dimensions. As you pack orders through the app, you can select these predefined pack cartons or pallets. You can also select the Custom option, which enables you to specify the dimensions and weight of each carton or pallet. NetSuite does not automatically create packing item records for a custom carton or pallet that you can manually add during packing on the app.
Ship Central uses inch as the default unit for carton or pallet dimensions. If you activate the Set Default Dimensions Unit rule, you can choose a different default unit. See Configuring Ship Central Rules.
To create packing items for cartons or pallets:
Using the Ship Central Manager role, go to Ship Central Setup > Packing & Shipping Records > Packing Items > New.
On the Packing Item page, enter or select values in the following fields:
Name – Enter a unique name to identify the pack carton or pallet.
For example, you can provide the name, 12” x 10” x 6” or Standard Size, to a carton or pallet packing item. On a kiosk device, the name appears as an option in the Select Carton Size or Select Pallet Size field.
Type – Select one of the following packing item types: Carton or Pallet.
To specify the dimensions of the carton or pallet, enter or select values the following fields:
Length – Enter the number for the length.
Width – Enter the number for the width.
Height – Enter the number for the height.
Click Save.