Store Pickup Email Notifications

A pickup email notification is a message sent to a customer’s email address informing the customer that an order is ready for pickup at the store. Pickup email messages are sent when the status of a fulfillment request is Picked. Only one message is sent to the customer. You can check if a pickup email notification was sent successfully by viewing the customer record – see Checking if the Store Pickup Email Notification Was Sent.

In some cases, you might need to create more than one store pickup fulfillment record from a fulfillment request. Each store pickup fulfillment record can have the status Picked or Picked Up. When the status of all store pickup fulfillment records is Picked, NetSuite sets the status of the fulfillment request record to Picked. NetSuite then sends the email notification to the customer.

To send pickup email notifications automatically:

  1. Go to Setup > Order Management > Setup Tasks > Advanced Order Management.

  2. Click the Notifications tab.

  3. Check the Order Ready To Be Picked Up Confirmation Email box.

  4. Select the email template you want to use.

  5. Click Save.

To stop sending email notifications automatically, clear the Order Ready To Be Picked Up Confirmation Email box.

Changing the Content of the Pickup Email Message

When you set up advanced order management to send pickup email messages automatically, NetSuite uses a predefined message. You can change the message content by creating a customized email template. The default email template is in HTML format and contains basic information from the sales order such as the sales order ID, the customer name, and the items ordered. For more information about working with email templates, see Creating New Email Templates.

You can add information to the template by inserting variables in the template. Variables use the FreeMarker format – see for more information about FreeMarker. The default email template uses the following variables from the sales order and other records in the system:




The ID of the sales order (from which the fulfillment request was created).


The customer name.


The location name.


The first address line of the store pickup location address details.


The second address line of the store pickup location address details.


The city of the store pickup location address details.


The state of the store pickup location address details.


The postal code of the store pickup location address details.


The list of items in the sales order. You can show information about individual items by referencing the values of the individual items with the list directive. Examples of individual item values include item (the name of the item) and quantity (the quantity ordered).


The phone number of the store pickup location.


The company name as entered on the Company Information page – see Configuring Company Information.

         <b>Dear ${transaction.entity},</b><br/>
         <p>Your order ${transaction.createdFrom} for the items listed below is now ready to be picked up at ${transaction.location}, ${transaction.location.address1}, ${transaction.location.address2}, ${}, ${transaction.location.state} ${}.</p>
            <#list transaction.item as item>
               <#if item.quantityrejected = 0>
         <p>In order to identify yourself, please present the following when you come to collect your order:</p>
            <li>This confirmation email / order no. ${transaction.createdFrom}</li>
            <li>Your personal ID.</li>
      <p>Please contact us <#if != ""> on ${} </#if>if you have any queries about your order.<br/>
    We look forward to seeing you soon,<br/>


To customize the pickup notification template:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates.

  2. Click Customize next to the Standard Order Ready for Pickup Notification Email template.

  3. Enter a name for the custom template.

  4. If you want to provide a description of the template, enter it in the Description field.

  5. On the Template subtab, enter the subject of the email message.

  6. Choose how you want to compose the email message – from a file or in the text editor.

  7. To use a predefined template from a file, select the File option and then select the template file.

  8. To compose a new email template, select the Text Editor option and do the following:

    1. Change the text of the message to suit your business needs.

    2. To add information from the order:

      1. In the Field Type field, select a record from which you want to insert a field.

      2. In the Insert Field field, select the field from the record.

  9. On the Categories subtab, add Sales Order Notifications as a template category.

  10. Click Save.

When you save the template, it becomes selectable on the Notifications subtab on the Advanced Order Management Setup page.

Related Topics

General Notices