Viewing the Grid Matrix Information

Grid Order Management enables you to view item quantities and stock levels in grid format. On parent matrix item records, the Grid Matrix Information subtab displays the following item details for the parent and its child items: Quantity on hand, Quantity available, and Quantity on order. For information about these item quantities, see Assessing Stock Levels

Guidelines for Viewing Grid Matrix Information

Read the following guidelines for viewing matrix items in grid format:

  • The Grid Matrix Information subtab is available on parent matrix item records for assembly and inventory items only.

  • In the grid, take note of the following behaviors:

    • Items with no quantities are left blank.

    • Quantities or grid cells that are shaded gray indicate that the items are inactive or do not exist. For OneWorld accounts, this could indicate that items cannot be accessed within your subsidiary.

    • If you use Multiple Units of Measure and a stock unit setting, grid item quantities are shown in base unit.

    • There is a maximum limit of 500 items that can be shown in the grid. Exceeding this limit causes values in columns to overlap.

  • Considerations for matrix item options:

    • Item options are assigned to rows and columns in alphabetical order. The first and any succeeding item options are assigned as rows. The last item option is assigned as the column. To replace the default column, see Changing the Item Column Display.

    • Item option values are arranged based on settings and order of entry on the custom list of matrix options. For more information, see Setting up an Item Matrix.

    • If you use numerical values for an item option, add a 0 to single digits to retain the order.

    • If only one item option has been set up for the parent matrix, no grid information can be shown.

    • Updates to matrix item options are automatically reflected in the grid.

Changing the Item Column Display

You can change the item option shown in the column headers. From the list in the Select Column View field, select the item option you want to assign. The replaced item option is automatically assigned to the row and quantities.

Filtering Items by Location

If you use Multi-Location Inventory, you can view items from multiple locations available in your account. For OneWorld accounts, subsidiary locations are included. If your role does not have access to a subsidiary, you can view items based on the subsidiary on your employee record.

By default, item quantities from all locations are shown in the grid. To narrow the results, select the specific location of items to be shown in the Select Location field.

To use the % wildcard in the Name field, see Limitations of Grid Order Management for the supported combinations. Results may not be shown due to incorrect values or role restrictions. For Administrators, you can view the execution logs for error details.

If you want to switch to another location, click the double down arrows to see the list of all locations. Alternatively, you can enter the location name in the field to display the list of matching locations.

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