Providing Roles with Access to a Custom Field in SDF

In SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), you can assign roles to a custom field using the permission element in the custom field definition of a SuiteCloud project. For more information about custom record type settings, see Restricting Access to Custom Fields.

Each permission element requires the following information:

Tag name

Possible values



Any standard role ID or custom role reference.

The role that can access the custom field.


One of the following integers:

  • 0 (NONE)

  • 1 (VIEW)

  • 2 (EDIT)

The level of access that users of the specific role have to the custom field.


One of the following integers:

  • 0 (NONE)

  • 1 (RUN)

  • 2 (EDIT)

The level of access that users of the specific role have to perform searches and reports on the custom field.

The permission element for fields is supported for any custom field type that SDF supports. For more information about which fields are supported, see Customizations Supported by SuiteCloud Development Framework.

For more information, see:


The following example gives the bookkeeper role view access to the Demo custom field and prohibits this role from including this field in searches:

            <entitycustomfield scriptid="custentity_demo">


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