Custom Record Type Object Permissions

You can provide roles with access to a custom record type in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) using the permissions structure in the customrecordtype SDF custom object. In this structure, you can create as many custom permissions as needed by specifying a permission structure for every permission. For more information about custom record type settings, see Setting Up a Permissions List for a Custom Record Type.


If you created a custom record object in version 18.1 that sets a permission on a custom role, you may receive a validation error after upgrading to the current version. To resolve this error, ensure that the referenced role contains a permission to the custom record object. For more information, see Custom Roles as XML Definitions.

Each permission element requires the following information:

Tag name

Possible values



Any standard role ID or custom role reference.

The role that can access the custom record.


One of the following values:

  • NONE

  • VIEW


  • EDIT

  • FULL

The level of access to the custom record that users of the specific role has.


One of the following values:

  • VIEWANDEDIT, which restricts users to viewing or editing only the records of this type that they or their subordinates created.

  • EDIT, which restricts users to editing only the records of this type that they or their subordinates created. They can view all records of this type.

The level of restrictions on the custom record that users of the specific role has.


If a SuiteCloud project contains an SDF custom object and a custom role that reference each other, the levels of permission and restriction must match in both objects. For example, if a custom record type permits the custom role with the VIEW permission level, that custom role must set the custom record type permission level to VIEW. Projects that contain a level mismatch cannot be deployed to the NetSuite account.

In the following example, the Bookkeeper role is given view permissions to the sample custom record type:

          <customrecordtype scriptid="customrecord_sample">


In the following example, a custom role is given view permissions to the sample custom record type:

          <customrecordtype scriptid="customrecord_sample">


For information about the available fields, see role.

Consider the following information for SDF SuiteApps and SuiteApp projects:

Consider the following information for account customization projects:

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