Validate and Deploy the SuiteCloud Project to a Target NetSuite Account

This is step seven of the SuiteCloud Development Framework Tutorial. If you have not already done so, complete step six: Create a Script Record and Script Deployment Definition.

The following steps show you how to validate and deploy your project to a target NetSuite account.


If you are using SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code, validate and deploy your project using the command SuiteCloud: Deploy Project. For more information, see Deploying a SuiteCloud Project to Your NetSuite Account with SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code.

To validate and deploy the project to a target NetSuite account in WebStorm:

  1. Right-click the project and go to NetSuite >Validate Project Against Account.

  2. Verify that your project gets validated against the correct account and role, and then click Validate.

    A window displays the progress of the validation and automatically closes when the validation is complete. The following text should appear in the console window to indicate that validation succeeded:

                    Validating using account (ACCOUTNAME).
    Validate manifest -- Success
    Validate deploy file -- Success
    Validate configuration -- Success
    Validate objects -- Success
    Validate files -- Success
    Validate folders -- Success
    Validate account settings -- Success
    Validation COMPLETE 
  3. Review the console window in the SuiteCloud IDE to verify that the project is valid. Error messages appear in red.

  4. Right-click the project and go to NetSuite > Deploy.

  5. Verify that your project gets deployed to the correct account and role, and then click Deploy.

    If you chose to deploy to a NetSuite production account, a notification window appears. Confirm that you want to deploy to the production account to continue the deployment process.

    A window displays the progress of the deployment and automatically closes when the deployment is complete.

    The console window shows the deployment progress on the server. Use this log to review specific actions and to troubleshoot issues with deployment. The text that appears in the console window should be similar to the following text:

                    2020-08-09 06:05:10 (PST) Installation started
    Info -- Account [(PRODUCTION) ACCOUNTNAME]
    Info -- Account Customization Project [SDFtutorial]
    Info -- Framework Version [1.0]
    Validate manifest -- Success
    Validate deploy file -- Success
    Validate configuration -- Success
    Validate objects -- Success
    Validate files -- Success
    Validate folders -- Success
    Validate account settings -- Success
    Begin deployment
    Upload file -- ~/FileCabinet/SuiteScripts/UserEventScript.js
    Create object -- customrecord_tutorial (customrecordtype)
    Create object -- customscript_userevent (usereventscript)
    Create object -- customrecord_tutorial.custrecord_tut_memo (customrecordcustomfield)
    Create object -- customscript_userevent.customdeploy_ue_tut (scriptdeployment)
    2020-08-09 06:05:37 (PST) Installation COMPLETE (0 minutes 27 seconds) 

Continue to Step Eight: Test the SuiteCloud Project in the Target NetSuite Account.

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