Flag List

A flag in NSPOS is any setting with a Boolean value, such as a check box that is either checked or blank, a field set to true or false or 1 or 0, or an option that is enabled or disabled. Flag shown with a colon(:) list the setting group and then the flag name.



Adjustment: Ask About Effect

Asks the user if the adjustment affects the inventory negatively or positively.

Anonymous Customer: Job Enabled

Enable automated job runs that assign anonymous default customers to NetSuite ERP Location records with no default selected. Job also replaces anonymous customers when history reaches 100,000 transactions. Default is job enabled.

Application Startup: Synchronize Date and Time

Automatically adjust the local system time based on the time-zone settings for the store.

Application Startup: Use Startup Folder

Process scripts in the System Startup folder when the Application has loaded.


Use new NSPOS external business logic in RA_BestDiscount.

Audio Alerts: Get Entry

Play an audio alert when the user's attention is requested by GetEntry.

Audio Alerts: Item Price Entry

Play an audio alert when an item requires price entry.

Audio Alerts: Notification

Play a sound when a notification appears.

Audio Alerts: Popup Notification

Play a sound when a popup notification appears.

Audio Alerts: Request Credentials

Play an audio alert when user credentials are requested.

Audio Alerts: User Input

Play an audio alert when user input is requested.

Authorization: Use Preferred Location

An Operator's location will be used as a hint, not a rule when signing on.

Buy/Trade: Allow Invalid Customer Data

Tells the buy/trade process to allow purchases from customers in bad seller groups.

Buy/Trade: Hide Conversion Details

Hide details regarding the cash/trade conversion and related clearing adjustments in the Journal.


Indicates that the customer should be prompted for a cash back amount when using a debit card.

Clear Operator: Skip Sign On

Will not require initial sign on when loading NSPOS and will only sign off after a transaction.


The Operator is cleared after each transaction (excluding Sign On/Off transactions).


Confirm the customer activated terminal payment amount

Consignment: Allow Invalid Customer Data

Tells the consignment process to allow completing the transaction even when customer data is invalid.

Consignment: Real-time Credit Memos

Applies credit to a consignors account whenever their item is sold in a transaction.


Create a customer from the cardholder name.

Customer Account: Allow Non-Same Day Cash

Allow customers to receive cash payments for balances on house accounts indefinitely.

Customer Edit: Allow Employee Affiliation

Customers can be affiliated with an employee, and share their discount status.

Customer Edit: Allow Organization Affiliation

Customers can be affiliated with an organization, and share their tax status.

Customer Edit: Alternate Phone Numbers

Enable alternate phone numbers for Customers, such as Work, Mobile, and Fax.

Customer Edit: Always Show Identification Types

Always display the Identification Type selection area, even if there is only one option.

Customer Edit: Charge Account Limit

Display the Charge Account Limit for a customer.

Customer Edit: Customer Group

Show the Customer Group field on the edit form.

Customer Edit: Hide ID Fields

Hide the Identification related prompts.

Customer Edit: Hide Nationality

Do not display the Nationality field on the Customer Edit form.

Customer Edit: Hide Over 18

Hide the 'Customer is Over 18' prompt.

Customer Edit: Hide Picture

Hide the customer Picture prompt.

Customer Edit: Require Area Code

Require a three digit area code for all phone numbers.

Customer Edit: Require City

Require the Customer City for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Email

Require the Customer Email for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Identification

Require the Customer Identification for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Image

Require the Customer Image for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Middle Name

Require the Customer Middle Name for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Nationality

Require the Customer Nationality for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Notes

Require the Customer Notes for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Phone

Require the Customer Phone for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Postal Code

Require the Customer Postal Code for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Prefix

Require the Customer Prefix for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require State

Require the Customer State for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Street Address

Require the Customer Street Address for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Require Suffix

Require the Customer Suffix for all new Customers.

Customer Edit: Validate New Customer

New Customers will be validated using the Validate New Customer express file, if present.

Customer Find: Full Width Layout

Display customers using the Full Width layout in the Find Results window.

Customer Find: Use Alternate Style

Customer Find Results will be displayed using the RA.Find.CustgomerFindResult class.

Customer History: Include Default History

Use the built-in Customer History data for all Customers.


Displays a Nationality section on Customer Add and Edit forms.


Requires a customer to begin a sale.


Displays a Sub Location (Hotel) section on Customer Add and Edit forms.

Debit Card: No refund

When a debit card refund is attempted, show message "Please use credit card or cash tender to process this refund."

Debit Card: Use legacy key serial number

When a key serial number is 20 bytes and starts with FFFF, remove the FFFF.


Text should be displayed on-screen rather than sent to a printer.


Allow the use of Execute and Full Screen toggle.


Requires a Customer for Disbursement transactions.

Discount: Discount promoted items

If checked (enabled), allow sales associates to manually discount an item included in a promotion without displaying an alert.

If the box is clear (disabled), allow the manual discount but display an alert. A manager or administrator authorization may be required.

Default is checked.

Discount: Promote discount items

If checked (enabled), allow an item that received a manual discount to be included in a promotion.

If the box is clear (disabled), items receiving a manual discount cannot also receive a promotional discount.

Default is clear (disabled).


This flag is applicable to customers using the advanced promotion process only. It has no effect for classic promotions.

Discount: Limit to price override and one discount

Limit discounts that can be applied to a price override and one discount.

Discount: Allow both item AND transaction discount

Sales associates can apply discounts to individual items (item level) and to the total purchase (transaction level).

Discounts: All Discounts Require Reason

All manual discount types will prompt for a reason code.

Discounts: Display Mode on Transaction

Display posting and non-posting status of discounts. Use to enable/disable small informative text related to discounts located at bottom of Journal window.

Discounts: Do Not Return To Sales Mode

When applying a discount to a sales order, stay in sales order mode. Do not return to sales mode until sales order setup is complete.

Discounts: Price Override Requires Reason

Require a reason code for manual price overrides.

Discounts: Set Item Status to Discount Reason

Display discount Reason as the item Status. Enables watermark when discount is applied on the item level.

Do Not Prompt for Rental Rate

Always use the same value for Rental Rate, and do not prompt the operator to supply a value.


Causes GetNumeric to never assume a decimal place in all cases.

Edit Item: Allow Price Change

Allow the price of an item to be modified after it has been received.


Hide the tax configuration section on Item Add and Edit forms.

End Of Day: Cancel Suspended

Cancel suspended transactions as a part of the end of day process.

End Of Day: Perform Till Count

Perform a till count as part of the end of day process.

End Of Day: Print Receipt

Prints an end of day receipt during the end of day process.

End Of Day: Print Reports

Prints reports found in the End Of Day: Report List setting during the end of day process.

End of Day: Process Unattended

Allow the End of Day process to proceed with no input from the user.

End Of Day: Settle Batch

Settle the credit card batch as part of the end of day process.

End Of Day: Settle Till

Settle the till as a part of the end of day process.

End Of Day: TillSettle

Settle the till as a part of the end of day process.

End Of Shift: Perform Till Count

Perform a till count as part of the end of shift process.

End Of Shift: Print Receipt

Prints an end of shift receipt during the end of shift process.

End Of Shift: Print Reports

Prints reports found in the end of shift: Report List setting during the end of shift process.

End of Shift: Process Unattended

Allow the End of Shift process to proceed with no input from the user.

End Of Shift: Settle Batch

Settle the credit card batch as part of the end of shift process.

End Of Shift: TillSettle

Settle the till as a part of the end of shift process.


Print the End Of Day Report.


Settle Credit Card Batch as a part of the End Of Day Processing.


Cancels Suspended Transactions when EndOfDay is run


Suspended Transactions will Prevent End Of Day Processing.


Count the Till as a part of the End Of Day Processing.


Settle the till as a part of the end of day process.


Suppress Confirmation Dialogs in the End Of Day Processing.


Print the End Of Day Report.


Settle Credit Card Batch as a part of the End Of Day Processing.


Cancels Suspended Transactions when EndOfDay is run.


Suspended Transactions will Prevent End Of Day Processing.


Count the Till as a part of the End Of Day Processing.


Settle the till as a part of the end of shift process.


Suppress Confirmation Dialogs in the End Of Day Processing.


Specifies that the attached printer uses ESC/POS codes versus OPOS formatting codes.

Express: Allow Local Express Files

Allow express files to be run from the local file system.

Find Item: Disallow Expired Items

Prevent items marked Inactive in NetSuite ERP from being sold at the register.

Option does not prevent inactive items from being found using NSPOS Find Item searches, bar code scans, or an item hotkey.

By default, the sale of inactive items is enabled in NSPOS.

Find Item: Hide Expired Items

Hide items marked Inactive in NetSuite ERP from NSPOS Find Item searches, a bar code scan, or an item hotkey. It prevents the sales associate from seeing inactive items at the register.

For example, use this flag when two or more items have the same UPC, but only one item is active. By enabling the flag, only the active item is found when the sales associate scans the bar code.

If not checked, inactive items can be found in NSPOS. Flag applies to Universal settings and Store settings only.


Indicates Find Anywhere will include description in the searchable fields.


Causes a Find Item Window to open with the entry text when the entry text does not correspond to a SKU or bar code.

FreedomPay: Ignore Item Processing Errors

Continue sales transaction if error occurs during item pre-processing.

FreedomPay: Allow Offline Over Floor Limit

Enable or disable offline-processing for FreedomPay payments that are over the floor limit.


Receipts should be printed to two devices:

  • An attached OPOS receipt printer

  • A full-sized Windows-based printer


Prints Till Management worksheets on a full size Windows based printer.


Display the main form maximized and without a border.

FundsReceipt: GetCustomer

Requires a customer for a funds receipt.


After a retail transaction, the option to print a Gift Receipt is to be presented.

Hide Transaction Complete

Do not show the Transaction Complete window after certain transactions .


Removes Store ID filter from Customer selection windows.


Causes a popup to occur saying "Please make an imprint of the credit card" when processing a credit card.

Interface: Display Tooltips for Buttons

Display tool tips when pointing the mouse cursor at a button.

Interface: Entry Overlay

Display the entry window as needed in an overlay window.

Interface: Low Latency Mode

User interface elements are drawn using fewer colors to lower the latency.

Interface: Remain Enabled During Entry

Buttons and other interface elements should stay visually enabled during entry.

Interface: Suppress Alert Tips

Do not show Alert Tip popup windows unless the user clicks the status bar icon.


Removes region specific validation from Phone number on Customer Add and Edit forms.

Inventory: Track Quantity on Hand

Track the number of items sold and received.

Item: Disable Weighted Barcode

Process bar codes that begin with 2 as normal item codes instead of weight or price data. The default is Yes, disable weighted bar code.

Item Find: Show Extended Categories

Shows categories that provide extra search functionality for items.

ItemSellingRule InStock

Require that the item be in stock to be sold.

Keep Report Find Window Open

When using the Find Report function, keep the Find window open until the user presses cancel, even if a report is run. Must tap Done to confirm selected report.


Prompt for beginning cash amount when a new till is created.

MSR: Decode Data

Forces the DecodeData property to be true for the OPOS MSR.

NetSuite: Prepend Gift Certificates

Prepends a gift certificate code with zeroes to pass through gift card logic.

Network: Allow Remote Authorization

Allow manager credentials to be requested and provided remotely.

Network: Enable Network Messaging

When enabled, messages can be sent and received over the network.


When set, non validated returns require a customer.

On Screen Keyboard: Show on Startup

Show the Windows On Screen Keyboard when the application is started.


Limits the Cash Tender to only one per transaction .

Open Item: Add Comment

Adds a comment line to store the new sku and description for an open item.

Operator Edit: Always Show Select Customer

Allow the customer to be changed for an existing Operator.

Operator Edit: Restrict Access Based on Level

Do not allow operator to edit other operators with a higher permission level.

Operator Edit: Return to Find After Edit

After editing an operator, return the Operator Find window. Cancel to exit.

Payment on Account: Allow Zero Payment

Allow zero payment on sales transaction or sales order. Permits POS to accept $0.00 sales or cancel the payment when needed.

Payment: Use Lane ID

Provide the unique Lane ID value to payment processors.

Pole Display: Display in Caps

Displays text on the Pole Display in all capital letters.

Print Consignment Payout Agreement

Print a paper agreement form when paying a consignor for goods sold.


Prints a check slip on a OPOS check printer.

Printer: Encode Barcode

Encodes the bar code before sending to the printer.

Product Feedback: Enable Email Feedback

Allow the application to send an email message with information about the system if a critical error occurs.

Product Feedback: Include Server in Subject

Include the server name in the email subject.

Product Feedback: Log to Database

Logs product feedback to the RA_ProductFeedback table.

Promotions: Use Old Promotion Engine

Use this flag to determine the promotion options available at the register. If checked (true), your promotions are limited to the NetSuite ERP fields available on the Classic Promotions Form. If the box is clear (false), the register can use the additional fields included on the Advanced Promotions Form.

If NetSuite ERP is set for Advanced Promotions, but Use Old Promotions Engine is checked on a register, NSPOS ignores the advanced fields not found on the Classic Promotion Form. If you currently use the Classic Promotions form, the default is checked (true).

You should not use this flag without contacting NetSuite Customer Support first. Changing the flag can create issues with your current setups. For example, sales orders created under a Classic Promotions setup may not provide the correct discount if you clear the register flag. You also might lose the ability to edit those sales orders.

You should change all registers and the NetSuite ERP Classic to Advanced Promotion Form at the same time or doing it as part of an upgrade. Change the NetSuite ERP form first and set up an advanced promotion to use for testing.

If you want to test the change without performing full user acceptance testing (UAT), you can check or clear the flag on a single register. Making a test change to multiple registers can make it difficult to pinpoint issues.


You should contact NetSuite Customer Support before checking or clearing the Use Old Promotions Engine flag. Changing the flag setting without proper preparation can and will create issues with your current setup.


Set this to force the user to enter a value when tendering a sale rather than default to the Amount Due.


Print an additional receipt for any rebates included in the sale.

Receipts: Ask for Receipt

Asks sales associate if customer wants to receive a printed receipt.

Receipts: Disable Group Overrides

Disables overrides for Group-X.RADocument for receipts.

Receipts: Disable Store Overrides

Disables overrides for Store-X.RADocument for receipts .

Receipts: Print in Caps

Capitalizes all text on receipts

Receipts: Allow cashier to disable receipt prompts

When prompted to print a customer receipt, the cashier has an option to save a preference. If they select to not print a receipt and save that preference, future receipt prompts are disabled.

Select No to prevent the cashier from saving a preference to not prompt for receipts. Select Yes to allow the cashier to disable receipts. The default is No.

Receipts: Select Gift Occasion

Prompt for the occasion to print on the receipt.

Receipts: Save suppress receipt preference

Prompts sales associate to ask customer if they want a printed recept.

Receipts: Include all stores in search Enabled

Makes the option available to include all stores in a receipt search.

Receiving: Start With Zero Quantity

Starts with 0 quantity when receiving lines.


Records when an item is found to be not on file.

Reports: Use Default Printer

Print reports directly to the default printer when the print command is used from the viewer.


A Customer must be selected before any Tenders can be received.


Includes more fields in the requirement list for Customer Add and Edit forms.

Returns: Allow cross subsidiary returns

Allow customers to return items between stores in different subsidiaries. The default is clear (false).

This setting requires project-level prerequisites to ensure items, pricing and taxes across subsidiaries can synchronize with NetSuite ERP. Contact NetSuite Customer Support before enabling this flag.


Enabling this Returns flag without the required prerequisites will cause:

– Transactions to become stuck on the server.

– Incorrect transaction processing that affects price calculations.

– Major synchronization issues leading to data inconsistencies between NS ERP and your POS terminals.

Do not enable this flag without working with NetSuite Customer Support.

Returns: Disable Original Card Supported

For use on registers where credit card payments over Vantiv Integrated Payments (formerly Mercury Payment Systems MPS) displays Visa return Error Invalid Field - Account Number, and the payment fails to complete.

Default is False. Set flag to True to correct issue. In the case of multiple payment providers, enable the flag only for registers using Vantiv.

Returns: Do not Require Signature

Do not require the customer signature to return merchandise.

Returns: Include all stores default value

Default value for search return transaction in all locations.

Returns: Include all stores enabled

Enable option to search transaction in other locations.

Returns: Include NetSuite sales default value

Default value for search return transaction in NetSuite.

Returns: Include NetSuite sales enabled

Enable option to search transaction also in NetSuite.

Returns: Refunds Require Original Tender

Refunds issued for validated returns require the original transaction's tender or the item's specific refund tender, if any.

Returns: Refunds Use Original Tender Thresholds

Refunds issued for validated returns that exceed a threshold amount are required to use the original transaction's tender.

Returns: Require Disposition

Makes it so a disposition reason is required when returning something.

Returns: Suppress Tag Printing

Do not print a tag when returning an item.

Sales Order: Advanced Shipping

Enables option to include a shipping recipient name and telephone number.

Sales Order: Disable Edit

To restrict editing from the register, check the Sales Order flag option: Disable Edit, making it true. The flag is set to false by default.

If checked, sales associates can create sales orders and take payment, but all edits must be performed in NetSuite. This is useful for when sales order item-handling is performed away from the store, such as in a warehouse.

Sales Order: Disable Invoice

Disable invoice functionality for sales orders.

Sales Order: Invoice Unfulfilled Items

Use to control whether sales associates can invoice (take full payment) for Sales Orders prior to fulfillment of all items. Default is enabled (true).

Sales Order: Offline Mode

Turn off the real-time connection to NetSuite ERP that communicates sales order updates. If offline mode is checked, sales order updates wait for the next synchronization (upsync) cycle. It can be used as a workaround for bandwidth issues by maintaining all sales orders local to the register. The default is clear (false).

Note that this setting can lead to synchronization issues and other errors.

You should not use this setting. Contact NetSuite Customer Support before enabling this flag.


Enabling this Sales Order: Offline Mode flag without the required prerequisites will cause:

– Transactions to become stuck on the server.

– Incorrect transaction processing that affects price calculations.

– Major synchronization issues leading to data inconsistencies between NS ERP and your POS terminals.

Do not enable this flag without working with NetSuite Customer Support.

Shift4: UTG PinPad line item display enabled

Show line item display on PinPad using UTG.

Shipping: Adjust Tax

Determines if tax should be adjusted to use the shipping postal code when a transaction includes a shipping destination. Default is disabled (false).

Show Transaction Complete

Displays a message box indicating a retail transaction has completed.


Indicates the customer terminal will be used to display the total. Applicable to display poles that use two lines.


Display an image on the Transaction Journal object when the Transaction is complete.

Signatures: No Employee Signature

Employees are not required to sign when purchasing.


Causes a SignOn to use the Entry Window rather than the Elevate dialog.


The required fields on the Customer Add and Edit form are reduced to First and Last Names only.

Status Display: Show Operator Name

Display the Operator Name in the Status Bar instead of their ID.


Suppress Canceled Transaction Receipts.


Suppress all Control Transactions from printing.


Suppress Sign Off Transactions from printing.


Suppress Sign On Transactions from printing.


Suppress Time Punch Transactions from printing.


Suppress Cancel Transaction Receipts.


Suppress Version Transactions from printing.


Suppress printing customer and cashier receipts for suspended transactions.


Suppress Training Transaction Receipts.


Suppress Voided Transaction Receipts.

SuppressTag:Merchandise Return

Suppress the Merchandise Return Receipt.

System: Use On Screen Keyboard

Show the on screen keyboard throughout the application.

Tax Engine: Do Not Use

Disables the tax process.

Tax Exemption: Certificate ID

Allows an operator to enter a tax exemption certificate ID that is recorded when a transaction is exempted from tax.

Tax Exemption: Require Customer

When set, requires a customer to make a transaction tax exempt.

Tax: Exempt Outside Jurisdiction

Determines how taxes are calculated if no tax schedule is available. Default is disabled (false).

  • If false, and no schedule for the shipping postal code is available, NSPOS alerts the sales associate that no tax is defined for the postal code. The store location or other default tax is used.

  • If true, and no schedule for the shipping postal code is available, the transaction will become tax exempt.

Tender Control: Allow Comments

Allows a clerk to enter comments when doing a disbursement or funds receipt.

Tender: Calculate Promotions on Demand

Promotions normally calculate or recalculate automatically with every change in the register Journal. Changes include adding or voiding items and changing quantities. If the list of items is long and multiple promotions are in effect to calculate against, automatic calculations can lead to performance issues.

If this flag is enabled (checked), only calculate promotions when the sales associate clicks Amt Due or another button that is customized to calculate promotions on demand.

Default is clear (disabled).

Tender: Change Due Maximum - No Manager Override

Do not allow a manager to override the maximum change amount due for a tender.

Tender: Zero Change Max - No Manager Override

Do not allow a manager to override change due when the max is zero.

Till Count: Open Drawer for Initial Count

Display an itemized cash count worksheet when receiving a Tender Loan.

Till Count: Show Cash Denominations

Display a breakdown of cash denominations when counting a till. The final amount will be calculated.

Till Count: Show Form for Initial Count

Display a breakdown of cash denominations when counting a till for the firs time, as part of a tender loan.

Till Processing: No Prompt for Till Action

Do not prompt the user to receive to release tills. The action will proceed without input.

Till: Enforce Limits

Enforces till limits.

Till: Non-Blind Count

Will display expected amounts on till worksheets.

Till: Operator Accountability

Set till accountability to operators rather than workstation.

Till: Prompt for Recount

Prompts the clerk if they want to recount the till after printing the counts.

Transaction: Clear on Page Change

Clear the completed transaction when a button bar is used.

Transaction: Customer Lookup on Entry

Always handle pre-entered text as a customer search until a customer has been chosen.

Transaction: Enable Item Cache

Cache items for up to two minutes, or the value specified in Transaction: Item Cache Duration.

Transactions: Continuous Sequence

Sets transaction sequence numbers to continue from the previous number used. It prevents the sequence numbers from resetting on the next business day.

For EMV credit card setups, it determines how the reference number sent within requests to the payment gateway is created.

// 16 digit transaction reference number

  • If flag is enabled (checked):

    // workstation + transaction sequence number + line item sequence number

  • If flag is disabled (clear):

    // workstation + day of year + transaction sequence number + line item sequence number

Transfer: Allow Consigned

Allows consigned items to be transferred.

Transfer: Allow Marked Down

Allow the transfer of items that have been marked down.


An option to transfer gift card balances to an internal gift card is presented to the user.

Transfers: Allow Transfer to Source

Allow to select same destination as source for transfer out.

Transfers: Confirm Finalize

Confirm that the user wishes to complete the transfer.

Transfers: Print Tags From Warehouse

Print item labels when receiving from a warehouse.

Transfers: Skip Find On First Item

When beginning a transfer, do not display an item find.

Transfers: Use Small Find Results

Display locations using the smaller result layout.


Sales and tenders take foreign currency exchange rates into account.

Related Topics

General Notices