Electronic Invoicing Limitations and Best Practices
Read the following topics to know the current limitations of the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, and to be guided by best practices for setting up and using electronic invoicing features.
Electronic Invoicing Limitations
General limitations of the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp:
Only FreeMarker is supported for outbound e-document templates.
Only the following transaction types are currently supported:
Cash sales
Cash refunds
Credit memos
Customer payment
Customer Deposit
Item Fulfillment
Purchase orders
Registered Custom Transaction Types
Transfer Order
Vendor Credit or Bill Credit
Mass download of e-documents is not supported.
Intercompany transfer order is not supported.
Creating the following records using the create new icon is not supported.
E-Document Template (on all transaction records)
E-Document Package (on vendor/customer records, transfer order transaction records and basic and journal style custom transaction types)
E-Document Sending Method (on all transaction records)
E-Document Email Recipient (on transfer order transactions and basic and journal style custom transaction types)
Limitations in outbound e-document processing:
The system can send an e-document by email to a maximum of 10 recipients for each customer.
The system counts each contact added as a recipient. If you add the same contact multiple times, each instance is considered one recipient.
Limitations in inbound e-document processing:
Only one XML file and one PDF file reference can be processed per email received.
Inbound e-documents can only be uploaded manually, one at a time.
Currently, only vendor bills, vendor credits and sales order can be created or converted from inbound e-documents.
Electronic Invoicing Best Practices
Perform the following best practices to prevent errors and performance issues:
Do not create or add MR script deployments. Maintain the default single script deployments of the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp, which are: Generate E-Document Content MR, Automatic Send E-Document MR, and Convert Inbound E-Document MR.
When assigning an e-document package to a customer or vendor, make sure that the customer or vendor has contact records if the e-document package uses an email sending method. To prevent validation errors caused by missing e-document email recipients, it is that you create the contact records first before assigning the e-document package to the customer or vendor.
When using CSV import to assign e-document packages to customers or vendors, be sure to include email recipients for e-document packages that use an email sending method. The system will encounter an error when sending an e-document that has no email recipient.
When sending e-documents in bulk, NetSuite that you first make sure that custom roles have the required permissions and access to use the bulk sending feature. See Setting Up Custom Roles to Send E-Documents.
When sending e-documents in bulk, NetSuite that you use the filters to limit the number of e-documents to process at a time.
When setting up sending method custom plug-ins:
There is no need to include loading of customer and invoice records as well as vendor and purchase order records to retrieve data within your custom plug-in. This information is already provided by the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.
There is no need to load recipients within your custom plug-in . This information is already provided by the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.
Avoid loading e-document recipients within your custom plug-in for sending email. When an e-document package with an email sending channel is assigned to a customer or vendor, the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp automatically performs a validation check to make sure customer or vendor records have recipients with valid email addresses. If your custom plug-in loads e-document recipients, those recipients will not be included in the validation.
Be aware of SuiteScript 2.0 governance and time limits. Suitelet limits apply to individual sending. Map function limits (Map/Reduce script type) apply to bulk sending. See the following topics:
Test your e-document sending plug-ins thoroughly before using them on live data.
Avoid data leaks when sending e-documents by email or sending to third party SOAP web services. Data leaks can be avoided by making sure codes are properly reviewed. Also make sure you are not sending more information than what is required.
Use appropriate and specific error messages in your scripts. Error messages should inform users when a problem occurs, help users understand why the problem occurred, and an action that can fix the problem.