Import Transactions With Customer Part Numbers
You can add or update line items on sales orders or invoices through import using CSV files, scheduled scripts, or web service.
Before you import customer part numbers, view the limitations and guidelines in Limitations. Refer to the following guidelines specific to importing customer part numbers for transactions:
Before you import transactions with customer part numbers, see Setup Requirements for Customer Part Number.
Inactive customer part numbers, items, or customers cannot be used for import.
When creating your import file:
Include the Item Name or Internal ID of the item you want to add or update to the sales order or invoice transaction.
Include the Internal Id of the sales order or invoice transaction where the items are going to be added to. For more information, see Finding Internal IDs of Records
Verify that you have assigned the customer part numbers to the items, if you want to use them as reference. Invalid customer part numbers in the file or those that cannot be found in the account causes the import for that transaction to fail. For more information about setting up customer part numbers, see Adding Customer Part Numbers to Item Records.
When using the Import Assistant:
For Step 1 Scan & Upload CSV File, select the following:
Select Transactions for import type.
Select the record type for sales orders or invoices.
For Step 2 Import Options, in the Advanced Options section, select the appropriate custom form. Select SCM Sales Order -Customer Part No or SCM Invoice -Customer Part No.
For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
When updating transactions, you can export them first and then edit the file instead of creating a new one. For instructions, see Exporting Lists.
Include the Internal Id of the transaction line items that you want to update. For more information, see Showing Record and Field IDs in Your Account.
If you import a file with no customer part numbers, the item sublist is populated with details based on items in the file. Customer part numbers associated with the items are displayed in the item sublist.
If you import a file with customer part numbers, the item sublist is populated with details based on the customer part numbers. Be aware of the following guidelines:
To update the customer part number, verify that its associated item in the import file matches the one in the transaction line item.
Note:Be sure to enter the correct new or updated customer part number in the import file. Otherwise, line item details, including the item itself, are overwritten.
To update an item, verify that its associated customer part number in the import file matches the one in the transaction line item.