Adding Customer Part Numbers to Item Records

On assembly and inventory item records, you can add the customer part number and the customer it is associated with. You can set up customer part numbers directly on the item record or import using CSV files, scheduled scripts, or web service.

Review the following guidelines for setting up customer part numbers on item records and through import:

To add customer part numbers to item records:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. On the Items list, click Edit to open an existing item record.

    Click New Item to create an item record. For more information, see Creating Item Records.


    Select SCM Assembly Item-Customer Part No. as your custom form for assembly item records, if you want to use customer part number validations specific to assembly items.

  3. On the Customer Part Number subtab:

    1. In the Customer Part Number Name field, enter the customer part number or code.

    2. In the Customer field, select the name of the customer to be associated with the part number.

    3. Click Add.

  4. Click Save.

    The subsidiary of the customer displays for each customer part number.


    The Supply Chain Management SuiteApp currently supports the addition of up to 2,000 customer part numbers per item record.

To edit customer part numbers:


You can delete item records if there are no transactions associated with any of its customer part numbers. You can delete a customer part number from an item record only if there are no transactions associated with the specific customer part number.

  1. Go to the Customer Part Number subtab.

  2. Enter the details in the sublist.

    Alternatively, click the Edit link to update the details on each customer part number record.

    The following occur when you update customer part number records that have been used on transactions:

    • Changes made to the customer part number name are reflected on line items of associated transactions.

    • If you change the customer associated with the part number, this causes a mismatch between the customer on the transaction and the part number record. Refrain from changing the customer when a part number has been used on a transaction, except when the customer on the transaction has been updated.

Import Customer Part Numbers for Items

You can add customer part numbers for items by importing a CSV file, through scheduled scripts, or web service.

Refer to the following guidelines specific to importing customer part numbers for items:

  • When creating your import file:

    • Include the Internal Id of the item record where a customer part number is going to be associated. For more information, see Finding Internal IDs of Records

    • Add the part number name and the customer associated with it. For more information, see the first procedure in this topic.


    A maximum of 2,000 customer part numbers can be added per item record.

  • When using the Import Assistant:

    • For Step 1 Scan & Upload CSV File, select the following:

      • Select Custom Records for import type.

      • Select Customer Part Number for record type.

    • For Step 2 Import Options, in the Advanced Options section, select Standard Customer Part Number Form as the custom form.

For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

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