Setting Up Custom Forms for Printing
To include customer part numbers on the printout of sales orders or invoices, set up the SCM custom forms provided in the SuiteApp. Before you set up these forms, review the required features for printing in Prerequisites for Customer Part Number.
You must set up custom transaction forms because their default printing type is set to Basic. This is true even if you use the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature.
To set up the custom forms for printing:
Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
On the Custom Transaction Forms list, click the Customize or Edit link for either of the SCM custom forms:
SCM Invoice -Customer Part No.
SCM Sales Order -Customer Part No
On the Custom Transaction Form page, do the following:
In the Printing Type field, choose Advanced.
In the Print Template field, select the appropriate sales order or invoice print template:
SCM Invoice -Customer Part No.
SCM Sales Order -Customer Part No.
Click Save.
If you want to use your own advanced print templates, you can add the Customer Part Number column manually. Use the following procedure to add the column to the Standard Sales Order PDF/HTML Template, as a sample. You can also use the instructions as a guide if you want to customize the existing print templates for the customer part number.
To update advanced PDF/HTML templates, you must have sufficient CSS and HTML knowledge. For more information, see Source Code Editing in the Template Editor.
To add the Customer Part Number column to advanced print templates:
Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
On the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates list, click the Customize link for the Standard Sales Order PDF/HTML Template.
On the Advanced PDF/HTML Template page, click Source Code to transfer to this mode.
Insert the following codes to display the column header and value for the customer part number:
To display the Customer Part Number column header before the Item column, insert this code in line 87:
<th align="left" colspan="3" style="padding: 10px 6px;">${item.custcol_scm_customerpartnumber@label}</th>
To display the customer part number column value, insert this code in line 95:
<td align="left" colspan="3">${item.custcol_scm_customerpartnumber}</td>
Note:On your template, you can insert the Customer Part Number column before or after the Item column. Insert the code in the line that corresponds to the location of the column header where you want to display the customer part number. You can do the same when customizing the existing print templates: SCM Invoice -Customer Part No. or SCM Sales Order -Customer Part No.
Click Save.
Click Preview if you want to view the changes before saving. For more information, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.