Item Demand Plan Import Errors
This section describes errors that you might see on an item demand plan import. See the following:
Could not find record with internal ID =xxx
The error occurs when importing the Item Demand Plan. To resolve the error, map the internal ID of the item demand plan record to the field: Demand: Item (Req).
The internal ID of the item demand plan record serves as the identifier to complete the import. Updating an Item Demand Plan through the user interface requires that you edit and overwrite the existing record. This concept also applies when performing a CSV import of the Item Demand Plan.
Invalid start date ref key mm/dd/yyyy
The error occurs when the plan start date falls on a year ahead of the current year, and both the year and plan end date fields are not included in the mapping.
You can see these dates in the UI. For example, the current year is 2013, and you want to create a new item demand plan with a start plan date of 1/1/2014, and an end plan date of 12/31/2014.
Go to Transactions > Demand Planning > Item Demand Plans > New. The default fields in the header show:
Year = 2013
Start Date = 1/1/2013
End Date = 12/31/2013
Change the Start Date field to 1/1/2014. Notice the following:
Year field becomes null.
End Date remains at 12/31/2013. It does not automatically update to 12/31/2014
No Monthly/Weekly Start Date and End Dates appear.
To resolve the issue:
Map the Year to 2014
Map both Plan Start Date and Plan End Date in the CSV Import.