Assembly Item Import Errors
This section describes errors that you might see on an assembly item import. See the following:
Please select member items before submitting
When member items are created in a separate CSV file, there needs to be a linking column: Assembly Item: External ID, Internal ID or Name.
When performing the import, ensure that the following options are specified:
Import Type – enter Item
Record Type – enter Assembly/BOM Item
Click Multiple Files to Upload
For Primary File -Item, select the file with the Assembly Item
For Linked File (Optional) -Item Members, select the file with member items
Data Handling – click Add
Map all Assembly Item fields with fields from the Item folder
Map the Member Items name and quantity with Item (Req) and Quantity in the Item Members folder
An Unexpected Error has Occurred
This item type (Assembly, subtype) is missing a required unit parameter. Instead of Assembly, InvtPart might be listed.
To resolve the error:
Check the assembly record and its component records to determine if the following fields have values:
Unit Type
Stock Units
Purchase Units
Sales Units
Enter values on these fields.
If the fields have values and you are still experiencing the error, click Edit to edit the assembly. Without making any changes, save the assembly record and its components.