Using Project Resource Management

The Project Resource Management grid is organized by project and then by task and resource. You can search the current view for a specific project by using the Search Project field at the top of the Project/Task/Resource column. Enter the name or part of the name in the Search Project field and click the search icon to filter the grid for that project.

Additionally, you can do the following in the grid:

You can also create new allocations and assignments by clicking the New Resource Allocation or New Task Assignment button at the top of the grid. For more information, see Entering New Allocations and Assignments.

Project Resource Management Grid Columns

The project resource management grid organizes resource allocations and task assignments according to the following columns:



Action Menu

The action menu column, indicated by a green icon, provides actions you can select to adjust the information displayed on the grid or modify project, task, and resource details. For more information, see Using Action Menus.


Lists projects, tasks, and resources depending on your settings.

Hours Estimated

Lists the equivalent of each project’s Estimated Work.

Percent Complete

Lists the equivalent of each project’s Percent Work Complete.


Percent Complete value for each project in the grid includes Actual Work entered against tasks by both assigned and unassigned resources.

Percent Allocated

Lists the percentage of time a resource is allocated to a project.

Hours Allocated

Lists the equivalent of each resource’s allocated hours and each project task’s Estimated Work.

Hours Assigned

Lists the equivalent of each resource’s Estimated Work for each task. The values automatically roll up to the project level.

You can modify assigned hours for any task in the grid provided there is no actual work entered against it. For more information, see Adjusting Allocations and Assignments.


When viewed in the Daily time frame, a project task’s total Hours Assigned includes only the Estimated Work of all resources assigned to it for the day. When viewed in the Weekly or Monthly time frame, each total includes the Estimated Work of all assigned resources and the Actual Work entered against the task for the period by any allocated resource unassigned to the task. If the Allow Allocated Resources to Enter Time to All Tasks preference is enabled for a project, the Hours Assigned column lists assigned resources’ Estimated Work and time entered by allocated resources unassigned to the task in any time frame.

Hours Worked

Lists the equivalent of each resource’s Actual Work for each task. The values automatically roll up to the project level.

For more information, see Adjusting Allocations and Assignments.

For more information on project records, see Working with Project Records.

Using Action Menus

The action menu column, in the far left pane of the project resource management grid, contains a dropdown list of actions in each project/task/resource level.

Adjusting Allocations and Assignments

The project resource management grid lets you see a total picture of your resource allocations and task assignments, and to adjust them so you are using resources effectively.

You can modify resource allocations and task assignments for your projects directly in the grid using the action menus in the leftmost column. For more information, see Using Action Menus. Any change you make from the grid is saved in corresponding records in NetSuite. Similarly, any change you make in a project, resource, allocation, task, or task assignment record is reflected in the project resource management grid.

Not all of the cells in the grid can be edited. Click the information icon in the upper right corner of the chart for the display legend.

In the grid, you can adjust values in the following cells:


Any change you make to assigned hours to tasks roll up to the project task and project’s estimated work, and duration of project tasks may be affected.

To create new resource allocations and task assignments, see Entering New Allocations and Assignments.

Entering New Allocations and Assignments

For more information, see Creating a Resource Allocation Record and Assigning Resources to Project Tasks.

To enter a new allocation with project resource management:

  1. Click New Resource Allocation at the top of the grid.

  2. If you customized a resource allocation form, select it in the Custom Form field.

  3. In the Resource field, select a resource for this allocation.

    To search for a resource, hover your mouse to the right of the field and click the Resource Search icon. Enter or select values in the search filters and click Search.

  4. Select the project to which you want to allocate this resource.


    For each project, it is recommended that you choose to either allocate resources directly to project tasks or allocate resources to the project and then assign to project tasks. Using both resource allocations to project tasks and task assignments can create inconsistencies in your project data. For more information, see Assigning Resources with Allocations.


    Creating new allocations with project task assignment is not currently supported in Project Resource Management. If you are creating this allocation to assign tasks for the project, enter a new task assignment after creating this allocation.

  5. In the Notes field, enter any additional information about this allocation.

  6. Select a start date and end date.


    Resource allocations can begin and end on non-working days if at least one working day is included in the duration of the allocation.

  7. In the Allocate field, enter the number of hours you want to allocate.

  8. In the Allocation Type field, select the type of allocation.

    • Hard – This allocation request is not flexible; the resource is committed to the dates and hours required on this request.

    • Soft – This allocation request is flexible; adjustments can be made to the date and hours if needed to accommodate other priorities.


      The allocation type pertains to project scheduling and staffing methodology and not an indication of the allocation record being unavailable for editing. Records with a hard allocation type can be edited. It is a recommended best practice to use the allocation types as suggested above when creating resource allocations in NetSuite.

  9. In the Communication subtab, attach documents in the file cabinet or click the User Notes to add any notes related to this allocation.

  10. In the Recurrence subtab, choose the recurrence for this allocation.

  11. When you have finished, click Save.

To edit resource allocations from the project resource management grid, see Adjusting Allocations and Assignments.

To enter a new task assignment with project resource management:

  1. Click New Task Assignment at the top of the grid.


    When opened from the grid using Assign Resource to Task, the Task Assignment form opens with the Project and Resource fields populated. For more information, see Using Action Menus.

  2. In the Project field, select the project for this assignment.

  3. In the Project Task field, select a task for this new assignment.

  4. In the Resource field, select a resource for this assignment.

    To search for a resource, hover your mouse to the right of the field and click the Resource Search icon. Enter or select values in the search filters and click Search.

  5. In the Unit Percent field, enter the percentage of available work time this resource will commit to this task.

  6. Select a billing class for this resource to apply to this project task. For more information about billing classes, read Project Billing Rates.

  7. In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost for this resource to work on this task.

  8. Enter the amount of work time you expect this resource to spend on this task.

    The estimated work for the task must be specified in hours. Similarly, service items to be used on the project task must be priced in hours.

  9. In the Unit Cost field, enter the cost for this resource to work on this task.

  10. Select a service item for this resource's work on this task.

    Only non-fulfillable or receivable service items can be selected on project tasks.


    Adding a service item is optional. If you do not specify a service item, unit price, or assign a resource for a task on a Time and Materials project, then NetSuite displays a warning when you refresh the Schedule subtab of the project record. For Time and Materials projects, a task must have an assignee and a unit price to be billed on the sales order.

  11. When you have finished, click Save.

To edit task assignments from the project resource management grid, see Adjusting and Reassigning Tasks.


To print the currently displayed page of the grid, click the printer icon in the upper right corner of the grid to open your browser printing dialog.

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