How to Use the Project Task Manager
When installed, administrator and full access roles can access the SuiteApp by default. Other roles need additional permissions to access the SuiteApp. The table below outlines the permissions required for accessing the Project Task Manager. For information about customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
Permission |
Level |
Lists > Projects |
View |
Lists > Project Tasks |
View Full (required for editing or creating new tasks) |
Lists > Work Calendar |
View |
Lists > Employees |
View |
Lists > Vendors |
View |
Lists > Items |
View |
Lists > Customers |
View |
Lists > Generic Resources |
View |
Lists > Documents and Files |
View |
Transactions > Track Time |
View |
Required if Resource Allocations is enabled: |
Lists > Resource Allocations |
View |
Required if Classes, Departments, or Locations, or all three options are enabled: |
Lists > Classes |
View |
Lists > Departments |
View |
Lists > Locations |
View |
When logged in as administrator, you can view the Project Task Manager at Lists > Custom > Project Task Manager. When logged in with other roles, the Project Task Manager is located in the following places:
Center |
Navigation |
Accounting |
Vendors > Other > Project Task Manager |
Executive |
Expenses > Other > Project Task Manager |
Support |
Cases > Other Lists >Project Task Manager |
Marketing |
Campaigns > Other Lists > Project Task Manager |
You can adjust the settings of your Project Task Manager by clicking the Settings icon at the top of the chart.

The Settings popup lets you control the appearance of your Project Task Manager. You can choose to show numbers and details, select colors for the task bars, and select how your information is displayed.
Task assignments are broken down by resource in the far left pane. You can expand or collapse specific resources or projects by clicking the box beside the name.

Working with Views
You can choose which data is shown in the Project Task Manager by setting up views.
The default view shows all task assignments in your NetSuite account, but you can create your own view by clicking the Customize View button at the top of the page.

You can filter task assignments by date, resource, customer, or by task or project. If you want to make your view available to other staffing managers, check the Share This View box.

After you have created custom views, you can click Edit View to make changes to the view you are currently using. Click Clone View to create a new view from an existing one, making it faster for you to create views that are similar but with slight differences.
Each time you view the Project Task Manager, the filter you selected the previous time is selected by default.
In the event that your data exceeds your SuiteScript usage limit, a message is shown indicating that the data displayed is incomplete. You can often avoid this situation by adding additional filter criteria to limit the data shown.
Selecting a Time Period to View
You can do any of the following to change the period of time that is displayed in the Project Task Manager:
Click Daily, Weekly, or Monthly in the top header row to change the chart to that time period.
Click the Next and Previous buttons on either side of the date range move the chart forward and backward.
In the top right corner of the chart are also Next and Previous buttons for pagination of the chart when you have many projects and resources. Use these buttons, or the dropdown, to change the chart to display additional pages.
Adjusting and Reassigning Tasks
The Project Task Manager lets you see a total picture of your task assignments and to adjust them so that you are using resources effectively. Using the Search Resource field at the top of the page, you can quickly find tasks associated with specific resources.
You can modify task assignments in the chart directly or by clicking on an assignment and making changes in the Edit Task Assignment Details popup.
In the chart, you can do the following:
Change a task assignment's estimated hours by stretching or shortening the start or end of the bar.
Reassign a task by moving it up or down in the chart to another resource.
Task assignments that are set to begin As soon as possible cannot be rescheduled in the Project Task Manager in any way that would change the start date of the task. Task assignments that are set to begin As late as possible cannot be rescheduled in the Project Task Manager in any way that would change the end date of the task.
Changing the start date or estimated hours on preceding task assignments could affect the scheduling of later tasks that are set to begin As soon as possible.
All task hours (actual and planned) can be reassigned by dragging and dropping to a new resource. This does not affect time entries for reassigned tasks. Time entered for the task remains attributed to the original resource on his or her time transaction. When dragging and dropping a task, a green check mark appears if the new location is available for the task and a red No symbol appears if the new location is not allowed for the currently selected task.
When you click on a task assignment in the chart, you can change the resource, end date, estimated work, unit cost, unit price, units %, and service item in the Task Assignment Detail pane. When you make changes in this way, click Save, and the chart is updated.
Changing the units % or estimated hours updates the length of the bar in the chart.
Exporting and Printing
You can export and print the data displayed in your Project Task Manager by using the buttons at the top left corner of the chart.

Click the icon that corresponds with how you want to export your information—PDF, CSV, Excel, or print.
When using CSV to export your data, if you use Excel to open your exported CSV file, any commas or special characters are not converted properly. You can use Excel to open your CSV files only if your resource and task names do not contain any special characters. If you use special characters, you must open your CSV file in plain text.