Creating Email Template Categories


The email templates in this topic do not support email marketing campaigns. For information about email templates for campaigns, see Email Marketing Templates.

Template categories enable you to assign individual templates to logical groups or categories. Template categories are particularly useful when you work with multiple campaigns or client communication that may contain multiple templates.

For example, you could set up a template category called “After Sales Follow-up” that contains three templates:

NetSuite makes template categories available to all roles. You can create as many categories as you require, and you can assign individual templates to more than one category. In addition, you can mark a template category Public, which permits NetSuite to share the category with other users.


Template categories are not enabled by default. An administrator must first enable this feature.

To create a template category:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features (Administrator). In the Marketing section, check CRM Template Categories.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Go to Documents > Templates > Template Categories > New.

  4. Select either a Campaign or Email template version. The selection determines whether the category relates to marketing campaigns or general transactional email.

  5. Enter a name for this category.

  6. Optional. Enter a description for the category. The description appears on the individual Campaign Template Category record.

  7. Check the Inactive box to inactivate the category. This option is useful when you prepare campaign categories in advance.

  8. On the Restrict Access subtab, check the Public box to make the category visible to all users.

  9. On the same subtab, select a subsidiary to which you want to restrict the category.

  10. In the Template column, select a template you want to add to this category.

  11. Click Add.

  12. Repeat these steps for each template you want in this category.

  13. Click Save.

To assign a template category to an existing template:

  1. Edit the template you want to assign to a category.

  2. Click on the Categories subtab.

  3. Select the required template from the Template Category list.

  4. Click Attach.

  5. Click Save.

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