Set up NSPOS Gift Cards/Certificates in NetSuite ERP

NetSuite uses the term gift certificate exclusively instead of gift card. Each gift card issued in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) – whether as a physical gift card or email gift certificate – creates a corresponding gift certificate record in your NetSuite account. A gift certificate record is a type of item record that holds all key information about the gift card/certificate, including the beginning amount, remaining amount, and the authorization code.

  1. Configure Your Account Preferences for NSPOS Gift Certificates (One-time setup)

  2. Set up a Gift Certificate Template, Type, and Type Prefix

  3. Ensure the Currency is Set for Your Locations

Configure Your Account Preferences for NSPOS Gift Certificates

Before creating and updating gift certificates, first perform the following procedure to ensure your NetSuite account is correctly configured. Unless you change your preferences, this is a one-time setup.

To set NetSuite preferences for NSPOS gift certificates:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  3. On the Items & Inventory subtab, select Gift Certificates.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

  6. Under Items/Transactions > Other Item Preferences, set the Gift Certificate Auth Code Generation field to Enter on Order.

  7. Click Save.


Generating the Authorization Code by Enter on Order means that, when a customer purchases a card or certificate, NSPOS will either generate the code automatically or read the code from the card. The transaction upsync to NetSuite ERP will not override this code.

Set up a Gift Certificate Template, Type, and Type Prefix

Follow these steps to set up a gift certificate to use with NSPOS. Each set of steps is covered by a separate procedure.

  1. Create the template record

  2. Assign a gift certificate type (RA-GC Type)

  3. Assign a gift certificate type prefix (RA-GC Type Prefix)

  4. Ensure the Currency is Set for Your Locations


You can also use these steps to edit existing records and types.

To create a gift certificate template record:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New and select Gift Certificate in the Item Type column.

  3. In the New Gift Certificate window, enter a name in the Item Name/Number field. This name should describe its function, such as NSPOS Gift Certificate Template.

  4. In the Subsidiary list, select Parent Company and check Include Children.

  5. On the Accounting subtab, select an Income Account and Liability Account.

    Each gift certificate generated from this template record posts its corresponding gift card value to these accounts in the general ledger. Consult your company accountant if you are not certain which accounts to select.

  6. For Tax Schedule, select Non-Taxable.

    In most tax jurisdictions, gift card purchases are non-taxable events. Sales tax is applied only to item purchases made using funds loaded to the card. Your jurisdiction requirements may vary.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items and select Gift Certificate from the Type filter.

  9. Go to the next steps to assign the gift certificate type (RA-GC Type).

To assign a gift certificate type (RA-GC Type)

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  3. Locate RA-GC Type and click List.

  4. Click New RA-GC Type.

  5. Leave Custom Form at the default Custom RA-GC Type Form.

  6. For Gift Card Item Name, select the template you set up.

    The Internal ID populates from your selection.

  7. Optionally enter a Display/Print Card Name. This information is for internal use only; it does not appear at the register.

  8. The Description does not appear in the Journal. Enter text that is helpful for understanding how the gift certificate will be used. For example, Use this certificate for customer loyalty rewards.

  9. Click Save.


    Use the Inactive box when you will no longer sell this gift certificate. For example, you can mark a seasonal certificate as Inactive when the season ends. See What happens when a Type or Prefix is inactivated or deleted.

  10. Before proceeding, note the Internal ID on the RA-GC Type List for the type you set up.


    You will select the type’s Internal ID for the RA-GC Type in the next procedure.

In general, all gift cards issued by a single retailer will use the same prefix. However, you can set up additional prefixes if needed.


If your business only accepts NetSuite gift certificates as payment, and does not issue NetSuite-based gift cards from the register, setting up a Type Prefix is not required.

To assign a gift certificate type prefix (RA-GC Type Prefix)

  1. If not already done, log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  3. Locate RA-GC Type Prefix and click List.

  4. Click New RA-GC Type Prefix.

  5. Enter a Name for the prefix using any combination of alpha or numeric characters.

    The name is for your internal use only; it does not appear on the register.

  6. Select the RA-GC Type used when setting up the type.

  7. Enter a Prefix of your choice using the following rules:

    • Numeric values 0 – 9 only. The prefix must not include alphabetic characters.

    • The minimum prefix length is one digit. There is no maximum length restriction on the number of digits used.


      Preventing conflicting prefixes – You can set up multiple prefixes for use with different certificates. Because each prefix can have a different length, setting up different prefixes that begin with a similar number sequence can result in conflicts during payment processing.

      For example, if we have a one-digit prefix 9 and a two-digit prefix 91, and the gift certificate number is 9123456789, NSPOS cannot determine which prefix to use. The prefixes conflict and cause an error.

      To prevent these conflicts, NSPOS compares new gift certificate prefixes with your existing prefixes during the prefix setup process. If a conflict is found, you are notified and the prefix is blocked from creation.


    After saving the RA-GC Type Prefix record, you cannot change the Prefix number. Be certain to enter the number you want.

  8. Click Save.


    The Inactive box inactivates the prefix. See What happens when a Type or Prefix is inactivated or deleted.


Use the Inactive box when you will no longer sell gift certificates or cards that use this prefix. You can also check Inactive if you entered an incorrect prefix number by mistake.

What happens when a Type or Prefix is inactivated or deleted

If you decide to no longer use a type or prefix (type prefix) for your gift certificates and cards, you can edit the record and Inactive or Delete it. However, any items already issued to customers must remain redeemable.

The following rules apply if you inactivate or delete a RA-GC Type or RA-GC Type Prefix record:

  • You should stop selling certificates or cards that use the type or prefix.

  • You can continue checking the balance of certificates or cards that were previously sold.

  • You can continue redeeming certificates or cards that were previously sold.

  • If you reactivate a type, all prefixes that were not inactivated separately are made available for full use on NSPOS.

  • If you reactivate a prefix associated with an active type in NetSuite ERP, the pefix is made available for full use on NSPOS.

Ensure the Currency is Set for Your Locations

Each retail location selling a NetSuite gift card or certificate must have the currency associated with the card assigned correctly.

For example, for cards configured in United States dollars, you must set the Location record > RA-Currency field to US Dollar. By default, the Location > RA-Currency field is blank.

This action binds gift cards or certificates sold in each updated Location to use that currency only.


NSPOS registers will not accept gift cards loaded with a currency that is different from the currency assigned to the register’s Location.

To ensure Locations selling gift cards or certificates are set to use the correct currency:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Setup > Company > Locations.

  3. Find the Location Name to verify and click View.

  4. Verify that the RA-Currency field is set to the desired currency.

  5. If the currency is not correct, click Edit.

  6. Click the down-arrow beside RA-Currency and select the currency.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Verify the next Location.

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