Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) and Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Subscription businesses have a unique set of metrics called SaaS (software as a service) metrics. Recurring revenue, either MRR or ARR, is the basis many of these metrics. SaaS metrics are used to determine the health of a business and to help inform if changes are needed. Depending on the nature of the business, MRR or ARR may be more important. SuiteBilling has ARR and MRR functionality in SuiteAnalytics and reporting.

Monthly Recurring Revenue Report

The Monthly Recurring Revenue report shows the sum of recurring line items for a specified month or range.

Each line of the Monthly Recurring Revenue report includes the following columns:

The default date range is the previous rolling year.

To view the Monthly Recurring Revenue report:

  1. Go to Reports > Subscriptions > Monthly Recurring Revenue.

  2. If you want to customize this report, click Report Customization.

The Monthly Recurring Revenue report shows the final rating value for a given month. This report does not include prorated amounts, even if proration is enabled for a line item.

Suspended subscriptions are reported the same as active subscriptions, but closed or terminated subscriptions are not reported. In addition, draft subscriptions are not currently reported.

The Monthly Recurring Revenue report assumes that subscriptions are renewed. Any subscriptions that are not terminated or closed continue to report into the future.

For more information about reporting, see Reporting Overview.

ARR Analytics and Dashboard

There is also an ARR workbook with standard reports and enhanced dashboard portlets ARR metrics. The Annual Recurring Revenue Report shows the sum of recurring line items for a specified year.

Go to Analytics > Annual Recurring Revenue.

To customize this report, click Report Customization.

The Annual Recurring Revenue Report workbook includes the following reports:

  • Annual Recurring Revenue: a pivot table with a yearly summary of recurring billing on subscriptions for SaaS metrics

  • Current Annual Recurring Revenue Detail: a pivot table with current year SaaS metrics at a subscription level

  • Customer Lifetime Value: a pivot table with current year recurring revenue at a customer level

  • Current Annual Recurring Revenue Month-Over-Month: a pivot table with current year annual recurring revenue reported at a month level

  • Annual Recurring Revenue Year-Over-Year: a column chart with recurring revenue year-over-year

The ARR reports do not include prorated amounts, even if proration is enabled for a line item. The report leverages the recurring amount from a subscription line.

A subscription must be in an active status to be displayed in the reports. A subscription that is terminated or closed stops being reported after the termination or end date of the subscription unless renewed. Evergreen subscriptions report until terminated.

For more information about reporting, see Reporting Overview.

General Notices