Churn By Revenue Report

The Churn by Revenue report shows the reduction in MRR due to subscriptions being reduced in value, canceled, or ending.

To view the Churn By Revenue report

  1. Go to Reports > Subscriptions > Churn by Revenue.

  2. If you want to customize the report, click Report Customization.

For more information about reporting, see Reporting Overview.

The following table is a list of rows and their definitions.



MRR at Beginning (of Month)

MRR calculated on the last day of the previous month. This is the same amount reported for a prior month on the Monthly Recurring Revenue report.

MRR at End (of Month)

MRR calculated on the last day of a specific month. This is the same amount reported for a specific month in the Monthly Recurring Revenue Report.


MRR associated with new subscriptions started in a specific month. This is equal to the sum value of all subscriptions with a start date in a specific month.

Expansion MRR

MRR associated with the upsell of existing subscriptions in a specific month. This is the sum value of all subscriptions that increased in value in a specific month.

Contraction MRR

MRR associated with the downsell of existing subscriptions. This is the sum value of all subscriptions that decreased in value in a specific month.

Lost MRR

Overall recurring revenue lost in a specific month from canceled or closed subscriptions. This is the sum value of all monthly subscriptions that were canceled or closed in a specific month.

MRR Churn

The churn in recurring revenue from cancelled subscriptions and downgraded subscriptions.

New New MRR

This is the sum of new MRR plus expansion MRR minus lost MRR.

MRR Churn (%)

MRR churn divided by MRR at the beginning of the month.

Notes about calculating churn and MRR:

General Notices