Workflow Actions Did Not Execute Example

The following screenshot shows the workflow execution log for a Bike Repair workflow that executed on a custom record and entered a state called Entry on an After Record Submit trigger:

A portion of the workflow execution log for a Bike Repair workflow that executed on a custom record and entered a state called Entry on an After Record Submit trigger.

The execution log shows the following information about the workflow:

Issues with the Workflow

Although two actions did execute, the workflow state contains many more actions. The actions did not execute because of the server trigger on which the record entered the state.

The following screenshot shows a portion of the Workflow State window and the two actions that executed:

A portion of the Workflow State window with the two actions that executed highlighted: Send Email and Set Field Value.

The following screenshot shows the initiation trigger type for the workflow:

A portion of the workflow definition page showing the settings in the Basic Information, Initiation, and Event Definition sections. The Trigger Type field is highlighted with the After Record Submit trigger type selected.

Because the workflow initiated on an After Record Submit trigger, the record entered the state on an After Record Submit trigger, and the following issues occurred:

This workflow does not initiate until after the data on the record is written to the database. Consequently, any action set to execute before the data is written to the database does not execute. In this example, only actions with an After Record Submit, Entry, or Exit trigger execute.

The following screenshot shows the original configuration of the Set Field Value action:

Screenshot with the Set Field Value settings highlighted.


To make sure that the Send Email action to the Service Manager completes, complete one of the following two tasks:

The following screenshot shows the workflow execution log after the trigger type for Set Field Value action is changed to After Record Submit:

A portion of the workflow execution log after the trigger type for the Set Field Value action is changed to After Record Submit.

After changing the trigger type for Set Field Value action to After Record Submit, the workflow execution log shows that the Set Field Value and Send Email actions, which did not execute before, execute properly.

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