Preparing for Testing
Download the Release Preview Test Plan Template to create and modify a test plan for each of your business workflows. This Microsoft Excel worksheet includes a testing matrix, workflow worksheets, and examples. You can find the Release Preview Test Plan Template here: ReleasePreviewTestPlan_Template.xls
As you prepare for testing in Release Preview, make a note of the various scheduled events that run in your production account. These scheduled events should be disabled before the production account is upgraded to the new release, and enabled after the upgrade is complete.
Refer to the following for more information about the new features in this release so that you have time to review new or changed functionality well before the release:
Review the Sneak Peeks available from the New Release portlet, or use the link found on the Help home page. Sneak Peeks will give you a preview of what to expect of the new features and enhancements.
Review the NetSuite 2025.1 Release Notes.
To prepare for testing in Release Preview, review the following sections:
Accessing Your Release Preview Account explains how to access your Release Preview account so that you can familiarize yourself with the new features and test them with your business workflows.
Features Available for Testing in Release Preview contains a table of the features that can be tested in Release Preview.
Data That Is Not Copied from Production to Release Preview contains a list of features that are not copied from the production account and features that require setup to work in Release Preview.
How to Report Release Preview Issues explains what to do if you encounter an issue.
Performance in your Release Preview account is not always the same as your production account. You can expect that the first few times you complete a process or task, such as entering a sales order, performance will be a bit slow. You should experience faster performance after you repeat the process or task several times.
Actions you perform in your Release Preview account do not affect and are not copied to your NetSuite production account.