Items Sold Report

Use this NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) report to view net sales over a specific period for any or all tills, operators, workstations, or stores. The report displays the quantity sold and the number of items returned.

To run an Items Sold Report:

  1. In Sales Mode, complete all sales transactions.

  2. From the main button bar, tap Reports and then tap Items Sold.

    If the reports button is not visible, press Ctrl+F12 and enter Items Sold.

  3. Tap the +sign by the Total to view details that include specific item numbers, descriptions, sizes, colors, and quantities sold/returned.

  4. To adjust criteria, choose from the fields at the top and tap View Report.

  5. To print or save and export the report, choose from the options at the top.

  6. Tap X in the upper right to return to the Journal window.

Example Items Sold Report.

Items Sold Report fields



Item ID

Item identifier.


Item description.


Color assigned as part of Style for matrix items. Most items will not include a color.


Size assigned as part of Style for matrix items. Most items will not include a size.


Number of items sold.


Number of items returned.

Net Sales

Net value of items sold. Net Sales = (Sold – Return) x item price


Name of NSPOS folder or group to which the item is assigned.



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General Notices