Custom Reports using Saved Searches

You can set up saved searches in NetSuite ERP to create a custom report. Any field held in NetSuite can be used in a search, including fields in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) custom “RA-” records. By saving a search, you can run it again manually or set it to run automatically on a schedule. Scheduled reports can be sent to specific recipients within your company.

For more information, see Saved Searches.

Example: Workstation Monitoring search for Offline Registers

These example saved-search procedures use workstation monitoring fields based on each workstation’s Synchronization – Last Connection Date. The search looks for the last time a register connected to the server and received a replication download.

To ensure we have an overview of all registers, we will configure the search to query and list details about each workstation. The results will show workstations with connection dates older than one week and workstations with no connection date. We will also include each workstation’s location to determine if a connection problem is specific to a store.

Use these steps as a guide to creating your own saved searches. Also see Defining a Saved Search.

To create, run and save a search for offline registers:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  3. Click New Saved Search.

    This page lists all records that are available to you for a saved search. It includes standard NetSuite records and custom NSPOS records.

  4. For a workstation status report, select RA-Workstation.

  5. Enter a Search Title, such as Workstation Last Connection Date.

    NetSuite will assign an ID when you click Save later.

  6. If you want to allow other users from your business to run the search, check the Public box.

  7. The Available as ______ View options determine where you can access and view the search results.

    Check all three View options if desired. See Using a Saved Search as a View.

  8. Set the search parameters in the Criteria subtab.

    You can configure the report to show only workstations that did not connect in a specified date range or for a specific amount of time. In this example we will look for workstations that did not connect in the past week.

    1. Scroll in the Standard Filter to select Synchronization — Last Connected to server.

    2. In the criteria form that appears, select not within and last week to date. (The From / To date fields are dynamic, and reset each time you run the search. No need to change a date here.)

    3. Click Set.

  9. Open the Results subtab.

    You can use this subtab to choose the details to report, set the sort order, and choose the output type (layout).

  10. Select from the Sort By and Then By lists to choose how to sort the results. Check the Descending box if you want to sort from highest to lowest values.

  11. Choose the Output Type, such as Normal for a list view.

    See Defining a Saved Search for other output options.

  12. For the Columns to show, you can:

    • Add a column. Click in the empty field, select a field from the list, then click Add.

    • Remove a column. Select a field and click Remove.

    • Move a column. Select the field and click Move Up or Move Down.

  13. To call attention to problem registers, we can open the Highlighting subtab to flag workstations that have no connection history at all. This field might already appear in the highlight list. If so, you can remove other fields pre-selected for highlighting.


    NetSuite typically pre-selects fields that are historically important to a business.

  14. Click Preview to view the results.

    You can download or email the results by clicking an export method icon.

  15. Click Return to Criteria.

  16. If you want to email the results now or later, open the Email subtab. Click the Recipient field, choose the user and click Add.

    The recipient must have a NetSuite userid associated with your account.

  17. Make adjustments as desired, and then click Save when complete.

    You can also click Save & Run or Save & Email.

Use the following steps to manually run an existing search.

To run and export a saved search:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  3. Locate the search to run.


    Click a column to sort the saved search list by that column’s criteria.

  4. Click View. The latest results display.

  5. You can download or email the results by clicking an export method icon.

  6. If you want to adjust the basis for the search, such as changing “ is not within last week to date,” click Return to Criteria. To update all search parameters, click Edit this Search.

  7. Otherwise, use the main NetSuite menu bar at the top to perform another tasks as desired.

To run and email the report on a schedule:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches.

  3. Locate the search to run.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Open the Email subtab.

  6. Check the Send emails according to schedule box.

  7. Click in the Recipient field and choose a user. Click Add. The recipient must have a NetSuite userid associated with your account.

  8. Add additional recipients as desired.

  9. Open the Schedule section subtab and choose how often to run the report.

  10. If desired, open the Customize Message section subtab and enter text to be included in the report emails.

  11. Click Save.


NetSuite ERP can automatically run and email a report, without the need to run it manually. For more information, see Defining a Saved Search and Defining Audiences for Saved Searches.

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