Multiple Development Account Environments Method

You can use multiple development account environments to develop multiple versions of a SuiteApp. Three development accounts are used for developing, testing, and releasing a single version of a SuiteApp. In this method, a bundle developer works in one account, stages the bundle for release in another account, and tests in a third account. A second environment is used to develop subsequent versions of the SuiteApp.

The following diagram shows the process flow for the bundle development:


The following steps show the basic process for developing, for example, a leading and lagging version of one customization. However, you can use additional development account environments to develop multiple versions of multiple customizations simultaneously.


The following table describes the basic steps for developing a multiple versions of a single SuiteApp with multiple development account environments:

Step Number



Develop the customization in the develop account on Development Account Environment 1. Use Customization and SuiteScript to develop the customization. For more information, see Customize Your NetSuite Account.

Then, in the develop account, use the Bundle Builder to create a bundle with the customization. See Creating a Bundle with the Bundle Builder.


Copy the bundle to the release account. Copy a bundle to the release account to support your release process. See Copying a Bundle to Other Accounts.


This account should only contain copied bundles, and not any objects created as part of the customization.


Install the bundle from the release account into the test account. You can create sample data to support testing of the customization. See Installing a Bundle.

If you want to make changes to the customization after testing, make the changes on the develop account and repeat steps 1 to 3 above.


After the bundle has been tested on the test account and all desired changes are incorporated into the bundle and copied to the release account install the bundle into a sandbox account for additional integration and user acceptance testing with production data.

If you want to make changes to the customization after testing, make the changes on the develop account and repeat steps 1 to 4 above.


After the bundle has been completely tested in the sandbox account, install the bundle into the production account.

You can now begin development on a second version of the bundle in Development Account Environment 2.


Copy the bundle from the release account on Development Account Environment 1 to Development Account Environment 2.


Install the bundle from the release account to the develop account . You can now begin development of a second version of the bundle, using the customization objects in the first version of the bundle as a starting point.

Multiple Development Account Environments Method — Benefits and Drawbacks

The following table lists the benefits and drawbacks to this approach:



  • Bug fixes. Can fix bugs in one environment and at the same time developing new version in a separate environment.

  • Separate code bases. Bundle being developed separate from release version.

  • Separate accounts. De-couples development, test, and release accounts.

  • Avoids bundle overwrites. Inadvertent overwriting of bundle content does not occur.

  • Testing with production data. Uses sandbox account for user acceptance and integration testing with production data.

  • Team development. Multiple developers working on a single version of a SuiteApp would be accessing the same account.

  • SuiteApp versioning. Can be difficult to manage SuiteApp versioning between development cycles.

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