Custom Record Types

Data for each custom record type in your account is exposed as a table. The name of each table corresponds to the name of the custom record type. Each table includes all custom columns and the following additional columns.

Table name:

Column Name


Relates to


Date Created (GMT)


Last Modified Date (GMT)


Value of the Inactive box.

F = the record type is active.

T = the record type is inactive.


Unique ID (auto-incremented number)


External ID

If a custom record type’s name starts with a number or an underscore (_), the column name is N_<RecordTypeName>_extid.


This column will only be available if you marked the Include Name Column box. It contains the Name Column value. Note that this column, if selected, is required for all records (see Record Types)


This column will only be available if you have specified a numbering format for your custom record type. It contains an automatically generated number, formatted to your specification. (See Numbering Custom Record Types)


Column names are case insensitive and do not contain spaces. Any spaces in your custom column names will be replaced by underscores in the underlying column names. <RecordTypeName> is the name of the custom record type.

Custom column names that contain non-ASCII characters appear without those characters in the SuiteAnalytics Connect schema. If the custom column name contains only non-ASCII characters, the column's field ID is used instead.

Identifying primary and foreign keys in custom record types

To find primary and foreign keys in a custom record type, you can use the following query, replacing CUSTOM_RECORD_NAME with your custom record type name:

          select pktable_name, pkcolumn_name, pk_name, fktable_name, fkcolumn_name, fk_name from oa_fkeys where pktable_name = 'CUSTOM_RECORD_NAME'; 


In the query output, the pk_name column contains the primary key name, and the fk_name column shows the foreign key name. For more examples of queries over primary and foreign keys, see oa_fkeys.

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