Adding Fair Value Formulas
Fair value formulas are used in the fair value price list and on item revenue category records. The formulas appear in a dropdown list on those records. You set up the formulas that appear as options on the lists on the Fair Value Formula page. The Fair Value Formula permission controls access to this page. This permission belongs to the Lists permission type.
The formulas use field values from the revenue arrangement body and from the revenue element lines. You can select properly formatted fields from the Field dropdown list in the formula assistant or type them directly in the Fair Value Formula field. The proper formats are as follows:
Field |
Format |
Base Fair Value |
{fairvalue} |
Calculated Fair Value Amount |
{calculatedamount} |
Discounted Sales Amount |
{discountedamount} |
Exchange Rate |
{exchangerate} |
Quantity |
{quantity} |
Revenue Amount |
{allocationamount} |
Sales Amount |
{amount} |
Total Carve-out |
{totalallocationamount} |
Total Revenue Amount |
{totalrevenueamount} |
Transaction Total |
{totalsellingamount} |
Custom fields for revenue elements are also included in the list if they are of types Currency, Decimal Number, Integer Number, or Percent.
When Alternate Quantity, Alternate Units Type, and Alternate Unit fields in a revenue element are populated, the {quantity} field can use the Alternate Quantity. To use Alternate Quantity, the Fair Value Price record must include values for Units Type and Units.
Fair value formulas use symbols for the basic operators multiply (*), divide (/), add (+), and subtract (-). Other supported functions are listed in the Function list in the popup formula assistant. For syntax and descriptions of the supported functions, see Fair Value Functions.
To add a fair value formula:
Go to Revenue > Setup > Fair Value Formula > New.
The New icon
to the right of the Fair Value Formula field in the Fair Value Price record also opens this page.
Enter a Name for the formula.
This name appears in lists. Use unique, descriptive names, but keep them short so they can be read in the lists.
Enter an optional Description.
Move the pointer to the right of the Fair Value Formula field to display the Set Formula icon. Then, click the icon to open a popup window where you can build the formula.
You can type directly in the Fair Value Formula field.
Select values from the Field and Function lists to add them to the Formula field using the proper syntax.
You can type directly in the Formula field.
Click Set to accept the value in the Formula field and close the window.
Edit the value in the Fair Value Formula field as needed.
Click Save or Save & New.
After you save the fair value formula, you can copy it to create similar formulas as needed.
To copy a fair value formula:
Go to Revenue > Setup > Fair Value Formulas.
Click View next to the formula you want to copy.
On the Fair Value Formula page, from the Actions list, select Make Copy.
A copy of the fair value formula record opens in edit mode.
Make the changes you want for the new formula, and click Save.