Fair Value Functions
The functions available for fair value formulas are restricted to those that are appropriate for use with fair value calculations.
Supported fair value functions include ABS, which is useful for determining and using the absolute value. For example, to get a negative calculated fair value for a return authorization, you might use {discountedamount}/ABS({discountedamount}).
Use the SIGN function with {quantity} or {amount} instead of ABS if you are creating a fair value formula and using fair value range checking. You can then use same fair value formula for positive and negative lines, such as sales and returns. Range checking evaluates the values based on the expected range of the transaction type and changes the range values accordingly. For example, invoice values are expected to be positive and return authorization values to be negative. The syntax for the SIGN function is SIGN(), so an example using {quantity} would be SIGN({quantity})*formula, where formula is a formula or field value.
The following is a list of fair value functions and their syntax.
Function |
Syntax |
Description |
ABS(n) |
Returns the absolute value of n (see earlier paragraph for an example) |
CEIL(n) |
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to n |
EXP(n) |
Returns the constant e raised to the nth power, where e =2.71828183 |
FLOOR(n) |
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to n |
GROUPSUM(revenueallocationgroup,] expr) |
For the description, see GroupSum Formulas. |
LN |
LN(n) |
Returns the natural logarithm of n |
LOG(n2, n1) |
Returns the logarithm, base n2, of n1 |
ROUND(n [, integer]) |
Returns n rounded to integer places to the right of the decimal point |
SIGN(n) (see earlier paragraph for an example) |
Returns the sign of n |
SQRT(n) |
Returns the square root of n |