Using SuiteScript to Apply Advanced Templates to Non-Transaction Records

Currently, you must use SuiteScript to apply advanced print templates to non-transaction record types. This topic provides an example of how to use an advanced template with the Employee record type. For general information about print templates in SuiteScript 2.x, see render.TemplateRenderer.

In this example, the goal is to print employee access cards that include name, hire date, and a photo. Before you create a script for this purpose, you need to:

Sample Template for Employee Access Card

The following sample template code provides some basic formatting and references three field IDs from the employee record: entityId, hiredate, and image.

            <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//" "report-1.1.dtd">
    <body width="2.35in" height="3.75in">
        <img align="center" "width="100px" height="125px" src="${employee.image?html}"></img>
        <p align="center" style="font-size:24px;font-weight:bold;">${employee.entityId}</p>
        <p align="center">${employee.hiredate@label}<br />${employee.hiredate}</p>


Sample SuiteScript for Printing Employee Access Card

When you have your template code, you need to write the SuiteScript script. For SuiteScript 2.x, use the N/render Module module as shown in the following Suitelet example:

            /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Suitelet **/ 
define(['N/render', 'N/file'], 
function (render, file) { function generate(context) 
    var employee = record.load ({ type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE, id: 1074 }); 
    var renderer = render.create(); 
    var template = '<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//" "report-1.1.dtd">'
    + '<pdf>' 
    + '<head>'
    + '</head>'
    + '<body width="2.35in" height="3.75in">'
    + '<img align="center" width="100px" height="125px" src="${employee.image?html}">'
    + '</img>'
    + '<p align="center" style="font-size:24px;font-weight:bold;">${employee.entityId}</p>'
    + '<p align="center">${employee.hiredate@label}<br />${employee.hiredate}</p>'
    + '</body>'
    + '</pdf>' 

renderer.templateContent = template; // Raw string of template to be transformed by FreeMarker
renderer.addRecord({ // Binds the employee record object to the variable used in the template
templateName: 'employee', record: employee }); 
var xml = renderer.renderAsString(); // Returns template content interpreted by FreeMarker as XML string that can be passed to the xmlToPdf function. 
var file = render.xmlToPdf(xml); // Produces PDF output. 
context.response.write({ output: file.getContents() }); } return { onRequest: generate };


Save your script as a .JS file, upload it to the File Cabinet, and create a script record. The saved script deployment record provides a URL that you can click to see the PDF after the script is run.

Sample Employee Access Card PDF

The following screenshot shows a printed employee access card:

Sample employee access card PDF.

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