Creating Transitions for the Lead Nurturing Workflow
Transitions define the next step in the workflow for each state. You can create transitions by clicking and dragging in the workflow diagrammer between two states. The diagrammer indicates exit states with the End icon.
To create the transitions:
Make sure the Lead Nurturing workflow is open from the step Creating States for the Lead Nurturing Workflow.
In the diagrammer, hover over the bottom of the State 1 Webinar Invitation. The icon becomes a filled half-circle.
Drag the icon to the State 6 Exit.
Release the mouse to create the transition.
Repeat the above steps to create the following transitions:
From State
To State
State 1 Webinar Invitation
State 4 Industry Comparison
State 1 Webinar Invitation
State 1a Wait 1 day
State 1a Wait 1 day
State 2 Email Case Study
State 2 Email Case Study
State 6 Exit
State 2 Email Case Study
State 2a Wait 3 days
State 2a Wait 3 days
State 3 Customer Testimonial
State 2 Email Case Study
State 5 Free Trial Offer
State 3 Customer Testimonial
State 6 Exit
Note:The order in which you create the transitions matters. Create the transitions to State 6 Exit first, as they are listed on the Transitions tab for the state in the order that they are added and process in that order.
Next Step: To continue with the lead nurturing workflow example, go to State 1 Webinar Invitation.