Step 3 Create the Subscribe To Record Action

Use the Subscribe To Record action to track a record created in a workflow with the Create Record action. Create the action and choose the instance or state field that stores the reference to the created record. In this example, create a Subscribe To Record action in the Review Order state to subscribe to the Phone Call record. For more information about this example, see Creating and Subscribing to a Record.

To create the Subscribe To Record:

  1. If you have not already done so, create the Create Record action. See Step 2 Create the Create Record Action.

  2. In the diagrammer, select the state, click New Action in the context panel, and click Subscribe To Record.

  3. In the Workflow Action window, select Exit for the Trigger On property.

    The action executes when the record leaves the Review Order state.

  4. In the Parameters section, select the workflow field bikerepair.phonecall (Workflow) for the Field property:

    A portion of the Workflow Action window that shows the text "bikerepair.phonecall (Workflow" entered in the Field field.
  5. Click Save.

  6. To continue with this example, go to Step 4 Create the Conditional Transition.

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