Transaction Types Supported By Custom GL Lines Plug-in
The following table lists the transactions supported by the Custom GL Lines Plug-in.
Transaction Name |
ID |
Assembly Build |
assemblybuild |
Assembly Unbuild |
assemblyunbuild |
Bill |
vendorbill |
Bill Credit |
vendorcredit |
Bill Payment |
vendorpayment |
Blanket Purchase Order |
blanketpurchaseorder |
Book-Specific Journal Entry** |
journalentry |
Cash Refund |
cashrefund |
Cash Sale |
cashsale |
Check |
check |
Credit Card Charge |
creditcardcharge |
Credit Card Refund |
creditcardrefund |
Credit Memo |
creditmemo |
Customer Deposit |
customerdeposit |
Customer Payment |
customerpayment |
Customer Refund |
customerrefund |
Deposit |
deposit |
Deposit Application |
depositapplication |
Expense Report |
expensereport |
Finance Charge * |
invoice |
Inventory Adjustment |
inventoryadjustment |
Inventory Cost Revaluation |
inventorycostrevaluation |
Inventory Transfer |
inventorytransfer |
Inventory Worksheet |
inventoryworksheet |
Invoice * |
invoice |
Item Fulfillment |
itemfulfillment |
Item Receipt |
itemreceipt |
Journal * |
journalentry |
Ownership Transfer |
ownershiptransfer |
Opportunity |
opportunity |
Paycheck Journal |
paycheckjournal |
Purchase Contract |
purchasecontract |
Purchase Order |
purchaseorder |
Return Authorization |
returnauthorization |
Revenue Commitment * |
revenuecommitment |
Revenue Commitment Reversal |
revenuecommitmentreversal |
Sales Order * |
salesorder |
Store Pickup Fulfillment |
storepickupfulfillment |
Vendor Prepayment |
vendorprepayment |
Vendor Return Authorization |
vendorreturnauthorization |
Work Order |
workorder |
Work Order Close |
workorderclose |
Work Order Completion |
workordercompletion |
Work Order Issue |
workorderissue |
* See Transaction Support Exceptions. ** Book-specific journal entries use the same transaction type ID as a standard journal entry. You can distinguish between book-specific and standard entries by checking the value of the accountingbook field on the TransactionRecord object (see Custom GL Lines Plug-In Interface Definition). Standard journal entries will have a null value in this field, while book-specific journal entries will return the NetSuite internal ID of the accounting book. In all accounting book configurations, the Custom GL Plugin is executed only one time for the accounting book of the journal entry. If the plugin is not configured for the accounting book containing the journal entry, it will not be run at all. |
Transaction Support Exceptions
The following transactions are supported with restrictions:
Finance Charge. A special type of invoice, the plug-in supports this transaction type when created through an invoice form.
Journal. The plug-in supports Journals except in the following cases:
Voiding journal and reversing journal
These journals are unsupported because they negate the original transaction and should not create new GL impact
Open balance journal
Statistical journal
Intercompany journal
Intercompany elimination journal
Revaluation journals
Collect Tegata
Pay Tegata
Revenue reclassification
Revenue arrangements
Time posting to journal entry
Recognize gift certificate income
Allocate paycheck to jobs
Payroll: Create funding transaction
Payroll: YTD process
Payroll batch journal
Paycheck journal
Revenue Commitment. A plug-in implementation does not run on book-specific revenue commitments.
Sales Order. A plug-in implementation does not run on book-specific sales order.
Transaction Processing
An implementation of the plug-in processes transactions by the following methods:
Voided transactions. Voided transactions with custom lines are handled in the same way as voided transaction with standard GL impact lines. See Voiding, Deleting, or Closing Transactions.
Memorized transactions. When the transaction is entered into the system, the plug-in implementation creates custom lines. The transaction is also set to Posting or Non-Posting, matching the value for the standard lines.
Due date. Due date is set on custom lines when the transaction is saved. The due date is equal to the transaction date. This enables the custom line to appear on aging reports.