Configuring File Drag and Drop
Read the following topics for more information on configuring File Drag and Drop:
Using the File Drag and Drop Setup Assistant
The Setup Assistant consolidates commonly used File Drag and Drop preferences in one location to streamline the setup process for account administrators. You do not have to perform all the steps to complete the setup. You can click the number on top of each step to go to a specific configuration page.
Go to Setup > Customization > File Drag and Drop Setup.

Setting General Preferences for File Drag and Drop
On the Preferences page, provide values for the following fields:
Enable File Drag and Drop – Check this box to enable File Drag and Drop on this account.
Note:If you have not specified a destination folder, the drop zone will not be visible on any record page. You must set either a global or record-specific destination folder to view the drop zone on record pages.
Global Destination Folder – Save the files attached through File Drag and Drop to this folder.
Note:Setting a global destination folder will enable File Drag and Drop on all record types.
Error Message Recipient – Set the recipient email address for File Drag and Drop error messages. If no recipient is specified, error messages are sent to all account administrators.
Click Save and Next.
Enabling File Drag and Drop on Selected Record Types
On the Record Types page, click New File Drag and Drop Record Type to enable File Drag and Drop on a specific record.
Provide values for the following fields:
Record Type – Select the record type where you want to enable File Drag and Drop.
Folder Name – Click the field to open the folder browser popup, and then select the default folder where files added to the record will be saved.
Use Folder Pattern – Check this box if you want File Drag and Drop to create unique folders based on the specified folder pattern, and save uploaded files there.
Folder Pattern – Enter the folder path where you want to save uploaded files.
You can use placeholders, surrounded with curly braces, with your desired folder name to create a folder pattern. Placeholders are not case sensitive.
subsidiaryId – Saves files to a folder with the ID of the current user’s subsidiary.
departmentId – Saves files to a folder with the ID of the current user’s department.
roleId – Saves files to a folder with the ID of the current user’s role.
recordId – Saves files to a folder with the ID of the record where the file is attached.
Note:If the folder pattern points to a destination folder that does not exist, the folder will be created when you drop a file in the drop zone.
Important:The record ID on new records will not be available until it is saved. Because of this, File Drag and Drop will create a temporary folder name for files uploaded to new records. When the record is saved, the system will replace the folder name with the permanent record ID.
The following table shows examples of folder patterns and the resulting system-generated folder paths:
Folder Pattern
Actual Folder Path
\HR Documents\Subsidiary{subsidiaryId}
\Department{departmentId}\Record{recordId} \HR Documents\
Subsidiary4\Department8\Record22 \HR Documents\Subsidiary{subsidiaryId}-{departmentId}-{recordId}
\HR Documents\Subsidiary4–8–22
\HR Documents\Employee{recordId}
\HR Documents\Employee22
Click Save and Next.
If you specified a global destination folder, File Drag and Drop will be enabled on all record types. For record types which you specifically enabled for File Drag and Drop, the attachments will be saved in the folders you specified in the Record Types page. Files attached to all other record types will be saved in the global destination folder.
Reviewing the File Drag and Drop Setup
The summary page displays the preferences you have defined, and lists the record types where you have enabled File Drag and Drop. Verify that the preferences you have entered are correct, and then click Finish.