Views, Filters, Colors of the Manufacturing Task Scheduler

The Manufacturing Task Scheduler page contains the chart, work center list, the task view filter, and the time period bar. On the left pane, view the list of work centers with the manufacturing operation tasks that correspond to their work order. On the chart, the task bar represents each task under a work order. You can determine the schedule, duration and status of a work order from its task bar. The summary bar across each work center provides a quick view of all its assigned work orders. To help you understand the color-coded status of summary and task bars, refer to the legend at the bottom right.

View the following topics for the correct usage of the Manufacturing Task Scheduler:

See the following figure and table to learn the sections and tools of the Manufacturing Task Scheduler.

Screenshot of the Manufacturing Task Scheduler page.


Control Name



Task View Filter

Enables selection of the default or custom view


Add View

Adds a new custom view


Copy View

Copies an existing custom view


Work View options

Switches the work view: Work Center or Work Order


Expand All/Collapse All

Displays all or hides all tasks within a work center or work order


Time Period

Changes the time period displayed on the chart: Daily, Weekly, Monthly


Date Range

Displays the start and end date of a time period


Date Range icons

Moves the start date from the previous or next date



Enables selection of a page range


Page Range icons

Displays the previous or next page


Page Count

Displays the total number of pages


Search Work Center

Enables searching of a work center


Chart Header

Displays the specific day, week, or month within the current date range


Manufacturing Operation

Displays the list of tasks within a work center or work order


Summary Bar

Represents all tasks on the chart assigned to a work center or work order


Task Bar

Represents a specific task on the chart



Provides a short description of each color on the summary and task bar

Related Topics

General Notices