Accessing ODBC Data Source on Linux

In Linux, the ODBC Driver Manager accesses defined Data Sources. For the Driver Manager to access the defined drivers, you must set the environment correctly. The following system properties need to be set so the Driver Manager is able to locate and use the driver:

          LD_LIBRARY_PATH - path to ODBC driver libraries

OASDK_ODBC_HOME - path to ODBC driver libraries

ODBCINI - path to ini file holding Data Source definitions 


You must set correct values for these system variables. You can do so by running:

          source oaodbc[64].sh 


on your command line. This command will export the variables with correct values and it will make them available in your current process. Exporting the variables makes them accessible for processes that are started from current shell. Executing this command (exporting the variables) must precede starting an ODBC client that uses the SuiteAnalytics Connect Linux ODBC driver and must be executed within the same environment.

The default values are:





These values change if you do not install it in the default directory. You are prompted to replace these values in oaodbc[64].sh if you are installing it into an alternate directory.

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