Configuring the ODBC Data Source on Linux
Editing odbc.ini or odbc64.ini and Configuring the ODBC Data Source
To update the ODBC Data Source on Linux, you must edit the odbc.ini
or odbc64.ini
file, depending on whether you installed the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the driver. Use the odbc64.ini
if you installed a 64-bit ODBC Connect driver.
To edit odbc.ini or odbc64.ini and configure the ODBC data source on Linux:
Locate the
file. Typically, this file is located in your driver’s installation folder. -
Edit the following values in
. You can find many of these values under Your Configuration on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page. You can access the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page using the Set Up Analytics Connect link in the Settings portlet when you are logged in to NetSuite. For more information, see Finding Your Settings Portlet.Variable Name
Connect Service host name. The host name you should use for your connection is displayed in the Service Host field on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page, under Your Configuration.
Should always be set to
Data source for the Connect Service.
Available values:
For more information about the data source, see Connect Data Source.
Should always be set to
The security certificates used for the connection.
The NetSuite account ID that will access the SuiteAnalytics Connect schema. Enter this value under
.The value is displayed in the Account ID field on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page, under Your Configuration.
Role ID corresponding to the Account ID. Enter this value under
.The value is displayed in the Role ID field on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page, under Your Configuration.
You must set this attribute to 1. You must use
.For more information, see Connection Attributes.
Note:The ZIP file for the ODBC driver contains the odbc[64].ini file with the new attribute. If you overwrite the existing INI file, you do not need to edit it.
Optional. The Static Data Model option provides you with the structure and the name of all available record types and fields in the data source. To use the Static Data Model in your account, you must add the
attribute and set it to 1. For more information, see Working with the Static Data Model.
You can have more than one Data Source defined in a Linux ODBC driver configuration.
The below examples are working with a 64-bit version, for a 32–bit version use odbc.ini.
Adding an ODBC Data Source
To add a new ODBC Data Source on Linux, you must edit the odbc64.ini file.
To add an ODBC Data Source on Linux
Locate odbc[64].ini.
Modify the [ODBC Data Sources] section. Add new line:
MyNewDatasource=NetSuite ODBC Drivers 8.1
Add a new [MyNewDatasource] section:
[MyNewDatasource] Driver=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/lib64/ Description=My new Sandbox ODBC datasource Host=<ServiceHost> Port=1708 Encrypted=1 AllowSinglePacketLogout=1 TrustStore=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/cert/ca3.cer CustomProperties=AccountID=<accountID>;RoleID=<roleID>
The resulting odbc64.ini file looks like the following:
[ODBC Data Sources] NetSuite_DC001=NetSuite ODBC Drivers 8.1 MyNewDatasource=NetSuite ODBC Drivers 8.1 [NetSuite] Driver=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/lib64/ Description=Connect to your NetSuite account Host=<ServiceHost> Port=1708 Encrypted=1 AllowSinglePacketLogout=1 TrustStore=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/cert/ca3.cer CustomProperties=AccountID=<accountID>;RoleID=<roleID> [MyNewDatasource] Driver=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/lib64/ Description=My new Sandbox ODBC datasource Host=<ServiceHost> Port=1708 Encrypted=1 AllowSinglePacketLogout=1 TrustStore=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/cert/ca3.cer CustomProperties=AccountID=<accountID>;RoleID=<roleID> [ODBC] Trace=0 IANAAppCodePage=4 TraceFile=odbctrace.out TraceDll=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient/lib64/ InstallDir=/opt/netsuite/odbcclient
Note:To include the required attribute values, see the following:
The <ServiceHost>, <accountID> and <roleID> variables represent your host name, account ID, and role ID. The values are available on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page under Your Configuration. You can access the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page using the Set Up Analytics Connect link in the Settings portlet when you are logged in to NetSuite. For more information, see Finding Your Settings Portlet.