Product List Custom Records
Product Lists custom records store and manage product lists for each customer. These custom records are accessed from the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab of the customer record.
To use the Product Lists feature, first install the Reference Product Lists Records SuiteApp. See Install Your Commerce Website Applications for detailed information about how to install this SuiteApp.
The Reference Product Lists Records SuiteApp is required for the Elbrus release of SuiteCommerce Advanced even if Product Lists records are not leveraged for your implementation.
The following records are added when the SuiteApp is installed:
Product Lists Type is used to define lists as default, predefined, later, or quote. All lists added by a user are automatically set to default. Predefined lists are automatically available to your users. Lists set to later let users add items to a list for a later purchase. Lists set to quote let users request a quote for a list of items.
Product Lists Scope is used to define lists as private, public, or shared. Currently, only private lists are supported, and each list is set as private by default. Private lists can be viewed and managed by the currently logged in user only.
Note:Predefined lists can be defined in both, the website configuration file and the customer record. When you define a predefined list in a customer record, it is available only for that customer. You should define predefined lists in the website configuration file so that it is available to all customers. A predefined list is displayed in the customer record only when the customer adds items to the list. For information about configuration procedures, see Configuring Product Lists.
Product Lists Items is used to manage item data associated with a product list record.
Product Lists is used to manage product list data.
Product Lists Items Priority is used to prioritize items within a product list. This functionality is currently not supported.
Subtabs: The Product Lists subtab is displayed under the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab in the customer record. The Product Lists Items subtab is displayed under the SuiteCommerce Product Reviews tab in the item record.
You can customize these records if required.
If the Reference Product Lists Records SuiteApp is not installed:
Product lists are unavailable on the Wishlist page of My Account.
An error is displayed when a user attempts to add an item to a product list within ShopFlow.
SuiteCommerce Extensions Tab
You can manage product lists from the Product Lists subtab under the SuiteCommerce Extension tab in the customer record.
If required, you can edit list and item attributes. However, the product list records are intended to store and display data gathered from the website and should not be edited.

Note the following:
Predefined lists edited in a customer record take precedence over the corresponding predefined lists in the configuration file. The procedures to edit predefined lists in the configuration file depend on the SuiteCommerce Advanced version you are implementing.
The scope attribute for a product list is not supported in ShopFlow and My Account.
The Item Options field on the Product Lists Items record reflects item options selected by the user. For, example, for gift certificates, the recipient email address is stored in this field. The Item Options field should not be edited.