Product Lists Customer Experience
After logging in to their account, customers access and create product or wishlists by clicking All my lists under the WishList menu on the navigation bar. On the My Wishlist page, customers can click Create New List to create a new list.
The following screenshot shows a customer account with an associated Wishlist:

The following screenshot shows how customers can also create product lists by clicking Add to Wishlist on the item’s Product Detail page. They can add the item to the predefined list My list, or create a new list for the item.

Customers can view their lists from their account page, and they can perform any of the following actions on items within their lists:
Edit — Customers can edit size, quantity, and priority. Priority determines if the item appears higher or lower in the list. Customers can also add notes or descriptions to further classify the items.
Move — Customers can move the items to other lists.
Add Items to Cart — Customers can add items to their carts and proceed to checkout.
Remove — Customers can remove items from the list.
To remove items, customers can check the box next to the item they want to remove, click the down arrow next to Add Items to Cart, and then click Remove Items, as shown in the following screenshot: