Deposit Usage Notes and Field Summary

The purpose of the deposit record is to increase the balance of an account. To create a record, you must identify the account to credit and the source of deposit, as follows:

You can optionally use another sublist, Cash Back, to credit other accounts besides the one named in the account body field. When you use this approach, the net value of the deposit is lowered by the amount of Cash Back lines. For example, suppose you include one Payments sublist item of $500, one Other Deposit line of $500, and one Cash Back line of $100. The net value of the deposit is $900.

Every deposit record must have at least one line in one of the sublists described in the following table. Each line must include an amount, and the net sum of all line amounts must be positive.

The following table shows additional details about working with each sublist.




Cash Back


For each line, you identify an account to be credited. Note that the amount field in this sublist can take a negative value, which you would enter if you wanted to debit the account. If you use this approach, the system saves the Cash Back line as a line in the Other Deposits sublist.

Other Deposits


For each line, you must identify an account to be debited. You can optionally populate the Name field by referencing an existing entity record. The amount of each line must be positive.


Yes, the key is the internal ID of the transaction represented by the line.

Each line must reference an existing record for a transaction, such as a payment or cash sale, that posted to the Undeposited Funds account. You can find valid transactions at Transactions > Bank > Make Deposits. Review the transactions listed on the Deposits subtab under Payments.

For an example of working with the Cash Back and Other Deposits sublists, see Adding a Record With Other Deposit, Cash Back Lines. For an example of working with the Payments sublist, see Adding a Record With Payment Lines and Updating the Deposit Record.

If you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, be aware that the Accounting Book Detail sublist is read-only and not scriptable.

More Information

The SOAP Schema Browser includes definitions for all body fields, sublist fields, search filters, and search joins available to this record. For details, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s deposit reference page.


For information about using the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

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