Adding a Statistical Journal Entry Record

The following example shows how to create a statistical journal entry record with three lines.


          private void addStatisticalJournalEntry()

   // Create the statistical journal entry object.

   StatisticalJournalEntry newSJE = new StatisticalJournalEntry();

   // Create an external ID.

   newSJE.externalId = "101A";

   // Define the subsidiary (OneWorld accounts only).

   RecordRef mySubsidiary = new RecordRef();
   mySubsidiary.type = RecordType.subsidiary;
   mySubsidiary.internalId = "1";
   newSJE.subsidiary = mySubsidiary;

   // Declare the unit of measure type. All accounts named in the sublist
   // must be accounts that use this measure type.
   RecordRef unitOfMeasureReference = new RecordRef();
   unitOfMeasureReference.type = RecordType.unitsType;
   unitOfMeasureReference.internalId = "4";
   newSJE.unitsType = unitOfMeasureReference;

   // Create a sublist that can have up to three lines.

   newSJE.lineList = new StatisticalJournalEntryLineList();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine[3];

   // Create RecordRefs to define the three accounts to be adjusted. These accounts
   // must all have a unit of measure that matches the one you referenced for the  
   // record via the unitsType body field.

   RecordRef firstAccount = new RecordRef();
   firstAccount.internalId = "248";

   RecordRef secondAccount = new RecordRef();
   secondAccount.internalId = "249";

   RecordRef thirdAccount = new RecordRef();
   thirdAccount.internalId = "253";

   // Define the three adjustments. The first line below reduces the balance of an  
   // account; the next two increase the balances of their accounts.

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].account = firstAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].debit = -500;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[0].debitSpecified = true;

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].account = secondAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].debit = 1200;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[1].debitSpecified = true;

   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2] = new StatisticalJournalEntryLine();
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].account = thirdAccount;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].debit = 2000;
   newSJE.lineList.statisticalJournalEntryLine[2].debitSpecified = true;


SOAP Request

   <add xmlns="">
      <record xmlns:q1="" xsi:type="q1:StatisticalJournalEntry" externalId="101A">
         <q1:subsidiary internalId="1" />
         <q1:unitsType internalId="4" />
               <q1:account internalId="248" />
               <q1:account internalId="249" />
               <q1:account internalId="253" />


SOAP Response

   <addResponse xmlns="">
         <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
         <baseRef internalId="7331" externalId="101A" type="statisticalJournalEntry" xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" xmlns:platformCore=""/>


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