Creating Custom Note Forms

The note form displays as a popup window when a user adds a note to a record. You can vary note form fields by hiding standard fields, adding custom fields, and changing field order. You can configure note form actions by setting actions to display as buttons or menus, changing labels, hiding standard actions, and adding custom actions. You also can attach a form-level script to custom note forms.

See the following sections:

Creating a Custom Note Form

You can create a custom note form that can be used to add notes to a record.

To add a custom note form:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.

  2. Click Customize beside the Standard Note Form.

  3. On the Custom Entry Form edit page, make changes as needed. For more information, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

  4. Click Save.

Creating a Custom Field for use in Custom Note Forms

You can create a custom field that can be displayed on custom note forms. The note record has a type of Other Record, so its custom fields must be of the type Other Custom Field.

To create a custom field that can be displayed on custom note forms:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Other Custom Fields> New.

  2. In the Record Type field, select Note.

  3. Complete the remaining fields, as needed. For more information, see Creating Other Record Fields.

  4. Click Save.

After you save this type of custom field, the field is displayed by default on all custom note forms. You can clear the Show box for the custom field on any custom note form where you do not want it displayed.

Using Custom Note Forms

The standard note form is used by default for all note popup windows. If at least one custom note form has been created in an account, this standard note form includes a Custom Form list where the user can choose to use a custom form for a note popup window. You cannot remove this list from the standard note form if any custom note form exists.

Sample custom note dialog.

You can set a custom note form to be used by default for the note popup window. You can either check the Preferred box for the custom note form in the Entry Forms list, or edit the custom note form and check the Form is Preferred box. If you want to permit users to choose among the standard note form and custom note forms each time they enter a note, you should leave the Custom Form field displayed on custom note forms. To ensure users do not change the note form to anything other than the preferred custom form, on that form you can clear the Show box for the Custom Form field.

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