Testing Scheduled Workflows

You can run a scheduled workflow on demand to test a workflow. When you run a workflow on demand, NetSuite places the workflow in the scheduling queue. The workflow initiates in the order in which it was placed in the queue. The workflow must be set to initiate on a schedule and must be in testing mode. After NetSuite initiates the workflow, you must wait for the workflow to complete before you can run it again.

Run a workflow on demand when you want to test the workflow without waiting for the next scheduled run of the workflow. Normally, the NetSuite scheduler evaluates workflows set to initiate on a schedule every 30 minutes. To bypass the NetSuite scheduler, open a scheduled workflow in edit mode and click the Execute now button. Executing a workflow on demand immediately tests the logic in a scheduled workflow and reduces the time required for workflow development and testing.

When you run a workflow on demand, NetSuite only processes the first 20 records returned by the saved search. For example, if the saved search for a scheduled workflow returns 1000 records, the workflow only initiates on the first 20 records returned by the saved search.

The workflow initiates on the first 20 records in any order. For example, a saved search returns records in the order: A, B, and C; the workflow may initiate on record B first, then C and A. In addition, the first 20 records may include the same record multiple times. If the saved search returns repeated records in the first 20 results, each unique record is processed only one time.

The following screenshot shows the Execute now button on the workflow definition page for a scheduled workflow:

A portion of the workflow definition page with the Execute now button highlighted.

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