Campaign Response Usage Notes

This section describes additional nuances of working with the campaign response record using SOAP web services. See also Campaign Response Supported Operations for important details about the add and update operations.

Setting the Event Field for a Campaign Response

As of the 2012.2 endpoint, if you do not set the event field for a campaign response, the value of this field defaults to the [Default Event]. Note that endpoints prior to 2012.2 allow this field's value to remain unset.

Attaching a Campaign Response to a Contact

The following SOAP excerpt shows how to attach a campaign response to a contact. Be aware that you cannot attach campaign records to contacts, however you can attach campaign responses to contacts.

Note that you must set the entity field on CampaignResponse to reference the contact record.

   <platformMsgs:add ...
      <platformMsgs:record xsi:type="s0:CampaignResponse">
         <s0:entity internalId="8" type="contact" />
         <s0:leadSource internalId="10202" />


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General Notices