Understanding Charge Rules

Charge rules determine the billing rate, the timing of charges, and the stage of a charge when it is generated. Charge rules can be either fixed fee, time-based, expense-based, or purchase.

A breakdown of individual charge rule types and respective project activities or inputs is listed below:


If you use the Override Rates on Time Records accounting preference, time-based rules will override any rate changes made on time transactions.

Tiered Charge Rules

You can define multiple charge rules for a single project, allowing you to create complex billing criteria based on a variety of factors. For example, you might want to bill a project based on time and materials. You would create two charge rules: one fixed date rule for the up-front billable amount for materials and one time-based rule that creates charges for time entered.

If you create time-based or expense-based charge rules, when a time entry is created for completed work or an expense is entered, these rules are each applied in the order you set. You can set filters on a rule so that it only applies to the time or expense you want it to. For example, you might want a rule to only apply to time or expenses entered for a specific item.

You can also use caps with time-based charge rules for additional flexibility. For more information, see Using Caps with Charge Rules.

Charges Creation

Each customer has certain computing bandwidth for back-end calculations and processes such as charge record creation. There are so-called computing threads that process incoming requests to, in our case, generate charges - both actual and forecast. Depending on the license purchased, there are 2-50 of those computing threads. Projects, i.e. charge creation for a particular project, can be processed in parallel in computing threads. A computing thread can calculate actual and or forecast charges for an individual project. One project cannot be running the recalculation process for both actual and forecast charges of the same charge rule type. For example, forecast and actual charges from fixed fee rules cannot be processed at the same time, while forecast charges from a time-based rule and actual charges from a fixed fee rule on the same project can be processed in parallel. Projects eligible for charge recalculation are tagged internally and put into the back-end work queue unless the project is already in the queue. If the project is already waiting in the queue, it is not added again, it can be in the queue only once.

Forecast and Actual Charges Creation and Recreation

Both forecast and actual charges get recalculated when a certain trigger is hit, either from the user or the system side:

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