State 1 Entry

After you create the states and transitions, you can set up State 1 Entry. This state is the point in the workflow where the workflow sets the initial value of the Approval Status field and determines if the estimate requires approval. To set up State 1, create a Set Field Value action and set up the transitions.

To set up State 1 Entry:

  1. Make sure the Estimate Approval Routing workflow is open from the step Creating Transitions for the Estimate Approval Routing Workflow.

  2. To create the Set Field Value action, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, click State 1 Entry.

    2. In the context panel, on the State tab, click New Action.

    3. In the New Action window, click Set Field Value.

    4. Enter the following properties:




      Basic Information

      Trigger On




      Approval Status


      Static Value



      Pending Approval

    5. Click Save.

  3. To set up the transition to State 2 Pending Approval if the sales rep for the estimate has a supervisor, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, double-click the transition arrow from State 1 Entry to State 2 Pending Approval.

    2. In the Workflow Transition window, in the Transition On field, select Entry.

    3. In the Condition section, select Visual Builder.

    4. Click the Open icon to open the Condition Builder, and create a condition with the following properties:

      Column Name




      Compare Type

      not empty

    5. Click Add, and then click Save to save the condition.

    6. Click Save to save the changes to the transition.

  4. To set up the transition to State 3 Approved if the sales rep for the estimate has no supervisor, do the following:

    1. In the Workflow Diagrammer, double-click the transition arrow from State 1 Entry to State 3 Approved.

    2. In the Workflow Transition window, in the Transition On field, select Entry.

    3. Click Save to save the changes to the transition.


      This transition does not need any additional logic, because if the transition to State 2 Pending Approval does not run, then the sales rep has no supervisor and this transition executes instead.

Next Step: To continue with the estimate approval workflow example, go to State 2 Pending Approval.

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