Troubleshooting Shipping Related Order Errors in NetSuite Connector

This topic covers troubleshooting of the following shipping related order errors:

Shipping Not Getting Calculated

Following is an example error:

ERROR: USER_ERROR -NetSuite Connector Error -Web order total is 1214.11 but NetSuite computed the total as 1104.15

To resolve this error, enable the Charge for Shipping feature from the Set Up Shipping page, by going to Setup > Accounting > Shipping. After enabling the feature, NetSuite Connector should populate the shipping and sync to NetSuite. Enabling the Charge for Shipping changes shipping items such that they require additional data and the items remain invalid until you provide that data. NetSuite provides error about the missing data.

Missing Shipping Amounts for Orders

By default, NetSuite Connector sends the shipping amount to NetSuite. However, if a shipping method is not provided to NetSuite or if the method is not properly configured, then NetSuite discards the shipping cost. To resolve this issue, make sure you map the shipping methods from the storefront to NetSuite. If the default shipping method or the method on the order is set to Not Mapped, then no shipment method is sent to NetSuite. Therefore, NetSuite ignores the sent shipping cost.

For instructions on verifying shipping method configuration, read Configuring Shipping for NetSuite Connector.

For instructions on mapping shipping methods, read Mapping Order Shipment Methods in NetSuite Connector.

To make the native shippingCost field available on the form, NetSuite must be configured to enable Charge for Shipping setting. For more information, read Configuring Shipping for NetSuite Connector.

Unapplied Shipping Discounts for Orders Posted Using NetSuite Connector

For a discount applying to the entire order including the shipping cost in the storefront, there can be an issue when the order posts to NetSuite. The issue is that the discount does not apply to the shipping cost when the order posts to NetSuite. The issue occurs if the SuitePromotions feature is enabled in NetSuite. When this feature is enabled, promotions applied at the transaction level apply only to the transaction subtotal. For example, discounts are not applied to tax and shipping costs.

There are following two ways to solve the issue:

  • Create two separate promotions in the storefront. One promotion for the order amount and other promotion for the shipping amount. If you have a promotion specifically for the shipping amount, SuitePromotions can apply the promotion to the shipping cost. These promo codes must have matching promo codes in NetSuite. For more information, read Setting Up Matching Promo Codes from the Marketplace or Cart to NetSuite.

    Also, make sure the SuitePromotions is Enabled in Your NetSuite box is checked in NetSuite Connector. For more information, read Setting Up NetSuite Connector for Syncs.

  • Disable SuitePromotions in NetSuite, which will allow NetSuite to apply discounts to tax and shipping amounts. For more information about enabling and disabling SuitePromotions, read Configuring Promotions.

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