Manual Rebate Settlements

The manual settlement covers both manual claims and manual disbursements.

You can manually generate a settlement for all rebate agreements regardless if the Auto Claim or Auto Disburse box is checked. Before you generate a claim or disbursement, make sure you specify the settlement method on the rebate agreement.

To process a manual settlement, read Generating Settlements Manually.

Partial Rebate Settlements

You can settle a partial amount even for rebate agreements with auto settlement. The Auto Settlement script processes only the remaining unsettled amount after it runs.

For rebate agreements with an outstanding pro forma and a remaining unsettled amount, you can use the following settlement processes:

  • Partial settlement

  • Pro forma with a partial unsettled amount

  • Full settlement

Generating Settlements Manually

You can use the same set of filters to generate a settlement (claim and disbursement) and a pro forma. You can search for all active, on hold, and expired rebate agreements until rebates for those agreements are fully settled.

Before generating a settlement, make sure you specify a settlement method on the rebate agreement.

To generate a settlement manually:

  1. Go to Rebate Management > Settlement > Generate Settlements.

  2. On the Settlement page, set the filters from the following table to narrow down the list of rebate agreements.

    All fields are multi-select except for the date filters and settlement mode.



    No End Date

    Check this box to show all rebate agreements that do not have an end date.

    Agreement Start Date

    Select the start date of a rebate agreement.

    Agreement End Date

    Select the end date of a rebate agreement.

    Payment Type: Transaction Type

    Select which payment and transaction type combination to show.

    • Receiving: Sale – Shows all the rebate agreements with a Receiving: Sale rebate type.

    • Paying: Sale – Shows all the rebate agreements with a Paying: Sale rebate type.

    Agreement Name

    Select the name of a rebate agreement for the settlement.

    Settlement Frequency

    Select the settlement frequency of a rebate agreement.

    • Monthly – Shows all applicable rebate agreements that are set to settle rebates monthly.

    • Quarterly – Shows all applicable rebate agreements that are set to settle rebates quarterly.

    • Twice a Year – Shows all applicable rebate agreements that are set to settle rebates twice a year.

    • Annually – Shows all applicable rebate agreements that are set to settle rebates annually.


    Select the applicable payee or payer.

    The dropdown list shows only the entities with open settlements.


    Select the status of a rebate agreement. The dropdown list shows only the active, on hold, and expired rebate agreements.

    Agreement Reference #

    Select the agreement reference number for the settlement.

    Settlement Mode

    Select the settlement mode of rebate agreements. By default, the Manual settlement mode is selected.

    • Auto – Shows all active, on hold, and expired rebate agreements that are set to auto claim or auto disburse.

    • Manual – Shows all active, on hold, and expired rebate agreements that are not set to auto claim or auto disburse.

    • Auto and Manual – Shows all active, on hold, and expired rebate agreements for both auto and manual settlement mode.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Select the rebate agreement for which you want to generate a pro forma, a claim, or a disbursement.

  5. Choose your next step from the following:

    • To generate a pro forma, click Generate Pro Forma.

    • To generate a claim or disbursement, click Generate Settlements.

    • To edit the details before generating a pro forma or settlements, proceed to step 6.

  6. Click Edit beside the rebate agreement that you want to edit.

    1. On the Edit Settlement Details page, use the settlement filters to sort various transactions linked to the rebate agreement:

      • Transaction Type – Select the transaction type for this rebate settlement.

      • Item – Select the eligible Items for this rebate settlement.

      • Customer – Select the eligible Customers for this rebate settlement.

      • Transaction Date From – Select or enter the start date of a date range when the transactions are created.

      • Transaction Date To – Select or enter the end date of a date range when the transactions are created.

    2. Click Apply Filters.

    3. From the results list, you can modify the following fields:


      Changes on the rebates for these fields are not considered for recalculation process.

      • Rebate/Unit – Increase or decrease the rebate amount per unit as needed. Changes in this field also reflect in the Total Rebate Amount field.

      • Total Rebate Amount – Changes in this field also reflects in the Rebate/Unit field.

    4. Click Save.

  7. Generate a pro forma or settlement by selecting the transactions you want to include.

    The Total Settlement Value field shows the total settlement amount for the selected transactions.

    • Click Mark All to include all transactions in the settlement.

    • Select one or more transactions if you want to settle or generate a pro forma for a partial amount. Read Partial Rebate Settlements.

  8. Click Generate Pro Forma or Generate Settlement.

  9. After generating a pro forma or a settlement, a PDF and a CSV file attached to a notification email is sent to the primary email or rebate notification email of the payer or payee.

    On the Pro Forma record, you can also click the Email Proforma button to generate another email with the same PDF and CSV attachments.

The system takes you to the Settlement History List page after you generate a pro forma or a settlement. To view the Settlement History list anytime, go to Rebate Management > Settlement > Settlement History.

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