Creating a Rebate Agreement

Before you create a rebate agreement, you must create a rebate preferences record to associate to the agreement. Read Setting Rebate Preferences.

Alternatively, you can import rebate agreements into NetSuite using CSV import. See Importing Rebate Agreements Using a CSV File.

To create a rebate agreement:

  1. Go to Rebate Management > Rebate Transaction > Rebate Landing Page.

  2. Click the Receiving tab if you are receiving rebates or the Paying tab if you are paying rebates.

  3. Under the Sale or Purchase subtab, click Rebate Agreement.

    Aside from the Rebate Landing page, you can also create a rebate agreement by going to Rebate Management > Rebate Agreements > Rebate Agreements > New.

  4. Select or enter the required information in the following fields:



    Primary Information

    Agreement Name

    Enter a unique agreement name. You cannot use the same agreement name for another rebate agreement.

    This field is required.


    The system only shows the first 100 characters of a rebate agreement record on the Applicable Rebates window and on the Edit Settlement page search result.

    Agreement Reference #

    Enter a reference number that helps you identify the agreement. This field can include an external agreement reference number.

    Stackable Rebate

    Check this box to combine rebates for multiple agreement details within a rebate agreement, and with other stackable rebate agreements.

    Only rebates from agreement details with common item inclusions are combined.

    For more information, see Stackable Rebates.

    Agreement Start Date

    By default, this field displays the current date.

    Select the date when the agreement starts. This field is required.

    Agreement End Date

    Select the date when the agreement ends.

    No End Date

    Check this box to make the rebate agreement effective indefinitely.


    Select from one of the following statuses:


    You can select On Hold and Expired only when you edit an existing rebate agreement. Read Editing Rebate Agreements and Agreement Details.

    The status automatically switches to Complete after all rebates are fully settled.

    • Draft-Select this status if the agreement details are incomplete. This is the default value.

      Select a start date that is either a past date, a current date, or a future date.

    • Planned-Select this status if the agreement details are complete, but the rebate program has not started.

      Select a future date for the Agreement Start Date and Agreement End Date. The status automatically switches to Active when a planned start date occurs.

    • Active-Select this status if the rebate program has started. Rebates are applied to eligible transactions.

      Select a past date or a current date for the Agreement Start Date and select a future date or a current date for the Agreement End Date.

    • On Hold-Select this status if rebate agreements that are Active and Planned can be place on hold.

      All rebate transactions created before putting the agreement on hold are included in the accruals. The system can still process settlements for On Hold rebate agreements.

    • Expired-The rebate program has ended.

      The status automatically switches to Expired after the planned end date passes. The system can still process settlements for expired rebate agreements.

      You can also set the status to expired manually and change the Agreement End Date to a current date.


    Enter relevant information for future reference.


    Select the subsidiary for which you create the rebate agreement. This field is required.

    The selected subsidiary affects the list of options in the dropdown list for the Accounting Item and Payee/Payer fields.

    Agreement #

    This read-only field displays the agreement number that the system generates after saving the record.


    Transaction Type

    Select between Sale or Purchase.

    Sale transaction type is selected by default.

    Payment Type

    The value in this field is sourced from the payment type you selected in the Rebate Landing page.

    If you create a rebate agreement from the Rebate Agreements List, or on the Rebate Agreements navigation, you can manually select a value for this required field.

    Auto Claim/Auto Disburse

    Auto Claim – When receiving rebates, check this box to automatically initiate a claim process for transactions with applicable rebates.

    Auto Disburse – When paying rebates, check this box to automatically initiate a disbursement process for transactions with applicable rebates.

    Settlement Method

    Select the settlement method for paying or receiving rebates. This field is required when the Auto Claim or Auto Disburse box is checked.

    Receiving Rebates:

    • A/R Invoice -Generates an accounts receivable invoice to claim the rebate amount.

    • A/P Debit -Generates a vendor credit to apply to future purchases or existing balances.

    Paying Rebates:

    • Credit Memo- Generates a credit memo as a reduction of receivable balance.

    • Bill-Generates a bill (vendor bill) for disbursing rebates.

    When you select A/R invoice or Credit Memo, a list of customer entities is shown in the Payer/Payee field. When you select A/P Debit or Bill, a list of vendor entities is shown.


    This field is required.

    Payer – Select the customer or vendor from whom you will receive rebates.

    Payee – Select the customer or vendor to whom you will disburse rebates.

    Aside from the dropdown list, you can use the List Search links included in the field to find the customer or vendor entity.


    The Settlement field value populates the appropriate settlement method if you initially select a value in this field.

    Accounting Item

    Select an accounting item to use for the settlement method.

    The list of accounting items are updated based on the selected payer or payee. This field is required.


    You should not configure Promotions for the accounting items that are valid for both vendors and customers.

    Valid Accounting Items for Vendors:

    Sale Transaction Type

    • Other Charge Resale Item

    • Non-inventory Resale Item

    Purchase Transaction Type

    • Non-inventory Purchase Item

    • Non-inventory Resale Item

    • Other Charge Purchase Item

    • Other Charge Resale Item

    Valid Accounting Items for Customers:

    Sale Transaction Type

    • Other Charge Resale Item

    • Other Charge Sale Item

    • Non-inventory Resale Item

    • Non-inventory Sale Item

    Purchase Transaction Type

    • Other Charge Resale Item

    • Non-inventory Resale Item

    Settlement Frequency

    Select how often you want the system to initiate a rebate settlement. This field is required when the Auto Claim or Auto Disburse box is checked.

    • Weekly – Generates claims or disbursements every week.

    • Monthly – Generates claims or disbursements every month.

    • Quarterly – Generates claims or disbursements every quarter.

    • Twice a Year – Generates claims or disbursements on the first and third quarters of the year.

    • Annually – Generates claims or disbursements every year.


    Ensure that the accounting period is set up correctly to match your preferred settlement frequency. For example, if you select a Quarterly or Twice a Year settlement, you must have quarters of the year set up in your accounting period. See Accounting Period Setup.

  5. Click Save then Edit to add rebate agreement details. See Adding Agreement Details.

    To view the list of all rebate agreements, go to Rebate Management > Rebate Agreements > Rebate Agreements.

Rebate Agreement Subtabs

The rebate agreement record contains the following subtabs:



Agreement Details

Manage agreement details linked to the rebate agreement.

  • Add new agreement details

  • Remove unused agreement details

  • Edit existing agreement details

  • View versions of agreement details record

Related Transactions

Review the list of all cash sales, cash refunds, returns, credit memos, and invoices with rebates created for the rebate agreement.


Review the list of accrual records created for the rebate transactions of the corresponding rebate agreement.


Review rebate settlement records generated for the rebate agreement.

Update History

Track the changes made on the rebate agreement and agreement details.

  • Shows the date when the change was made

  • Shows the entity who updates the record

  • Specifies which record type was updated

  • Shows the previous and current field value on a record

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