Creating a Custom COA Template

By default, the system uses the standard template COA Template for COA report generation. To customize a COA layout that best suits your organization’s needs, create a custom COA template in the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates page.

You must assign your custom saved search for COA to your custom COA template.

Before you begin this procedure, complete Defining a COA Active Saved Search.

Watch the following help video for information about customizing a COA template:

To create a custom COA template:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  2. Click New Template.

  3. In the Primary Information section, enter the template Title.

  4. Enter the Script ID.

    Script ID is the template internal ID number.

    The system automatically adds the prefix custtmpl to the ID. For example, a custom script ID called _qm_my_coa_report appears as CUSTTMPL_QM_MY_COA_REPORT after the template saves.

  5. From the Saved Search list, select your custom saved search for COA.

  6. If you do not want this template to appear in search lists and forms, check the Inactive box.

  7. Enter a template Description.

  8. To customize your template layout, complete the Layout Setup section:

    1. Select a preferred Page Orientation.

      The default selection is Portrait.

    2. Select a preferred Page Size.

      The default selection is Letter.

    3. Enter a Margin for the Top, Right, Bottom, and Left fields.

      The default values are 0.5.

    4. Select the preferred Units for your margins.

      The default unit is in.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Customize your template as required.

    For more information, see Advanced Templates Customization in the Template Editor.

  11. Click Save.

    Your custom COA template appears on the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates page.

Next, complete the procedure in Adding a COA Template.

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