Use Accounting Contexts in Account Saved Searches
If accounting contexts are defined in your system, you can use the following five columns in the Account saved search, and any saved search where the Account field (Account Fields list) is joined to the saved search:
Accounting Context
Localized Name
Localized Number
Localized Legal Name
It is important to note that these five columns contain values for all combinations of accounting context and language including combinations where the localized name and localized number are the same for different combinations of accounting contexts and languages. Therefore, if the Multi-Language feature is enabled, best practice is to always specify the combination of both accounting context and language in the search criteria to avoid duplicated results.
You have the following accounting contexts and languages defined in your system:
Accounting Contexts: Czechia, Germany, and None (None represents the header account name and account number value.)
Languages: Czech, German, and the system language (The system language is the same as None, which represents the header account name value.)
A user with permission to modify the 1110 Advances Paid account record defines the following rules on the Localization subtab:
Header Account Name and Number: 1110 Advances Paid
Legal Name: Legal Name for Advances Paid account
Accounting Context: Czechia, Number: 314, Name: Zalohy
Language: German, Name: German Name
The following table displays several applicable combinations of searchable data based on these rules for this account:

Search Criteria 1
Your search criteria is Number set to 1110. The results you want to retrieve are Localized Number and Localized Name. This saved search returns several lines and some of them are duplicated because the Accounting Context and Language were not specified.
Search Criteria 2
Your search criteria is Accounting Context set to Czechia, Language set to null, and Localized Number set to 314. The results you want to retrieve are Localized Name and Localized Number.
This saved search returns only one line with Localized Name and Localized Number because the Accounting Context and Language is clearly specified.
Users can create saved searches that are not dependent on the values set in User Preferences. For example, if a user creates a saved search where the criterion Name is set to Advances Paid, the search results will return the Advances Paid account if the user’s preferences are Language set to English and Accounting Context set to null. If the user’s preferences are Language set to English and Accounting Context set to Czechia, this save search will not return anything because the account Name is Zalohy.
In contrast, if this user creates a saved search where the criteria Accounting Context is set to null, Language is set to null, Localized Name is set to Advances Paid, the search results will return the Advances Paid account even if the user’s preference is Accounting Context set to Czechia. This criteria is useful when a controller wants to create a saved search that works for all accountants in local subsidiaries no matter if they have any localization in their NetSuite account.